31 окт. 2019 г.

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Mr. Robot 4×2

Mr. Price: With the right players in place, running the world turned out to be surprisingly easy. I have to say, business was booming.

Mr. Price: Industrial espionage was yesterday's work. What better way to gain leverage on everyone than if everyone was connected?

Mr. Price: The United States was a test case. Americans seemed the most ready to give their lives over to a box. Without hesitation everyone jumped online. 'Welcome. You've got mail.' Offered everything they had. Bank accounts, electric bills, medical records, DNA data, baby pictures. We staged the biggest coup in human civilization and the whole world volunteered to take part. Opted in, checked the box, and clicked, "I agree."

Elliot: And if it's your life you're worried about... Doing nothing, not fighting back... You may as well be dead.
Mr. Price: I became a dead man walking... The minute I agreed to work with Whiterose... Just like you.

Nurse: You two must feel so blessed to have had her in your life...
Darlene: Yeah, we feel totally blessed.
Elliot: What are we supposed to do?
Nurse: Um, well, when my dad died, I turned towards the Lord—
Elliot: I mean with the boxes.

Mr. Robot: There's the cost of living and the cost of dying. Seems you're paying the price whether you're coming or going... And then there's the real price. Not cash or Ecoin. The emotional toll.

Mr. Price: You're a little unbalanced... The tree.

Mr. Robot: Look at me! I am telling you the truth. I am not the one Darlene talked to.
Elliot: If it wasn't you, and it wasn't me... Who was it?

Elliot's Mother: They're not ready yet. We need to wait.
Young Elliot: For what?
Elliot's Mother: For him.
Young Elliot: You mean Mr. Robot?
Elliot's Mother: No.
Young Elliot: Elliot?
Elliot's Mother: No. The other one.

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