17 сент. 2019 г.

The Loop

Peaky Blinders 5×4

Grace: Happy or sad, Tommy?

McCavern: My white flag is a flag of truce. Yours is more a flag of surrender.
Tommy: Whatever you say, Mr McCavern, the colour is the same. The outcome is the same.

Tommy: No, nothing here is stolen, Mr McCavern. Charlie simply finds things before they're lost.

Tommy: Also in the envelope is a cheque for £500. For your wife. She can use it to buy a black dress, rent a black horse with black feathers, to pull a black carriage with your body in it, should you break the terms of the white flag.

Arthur: Oh, yeah. Shelby Company Limited, we can offer them all the lovely things people like. Hm? We can also offer 'em protection from the things they don't like.

Mrs Connors: The new ones I will call Thomas, Arthur and Finn. That'll make him pause, even when he's drunk.

Arthur: I don't know how you do this, Tom. I really don't!
Tommy: You learn things, Arthur. That woman has only two rooms downstairs. Her husband has lost his job and he beats her. And yet, the thing that brings her to see her Member of Parliament is songbirds. Now, that's politics, Arthur.

Brilliant Chang: My name is Brilliant Chang.
Arthur: Brilliant Chang is dead.
Brilliant Chang: Perhaps. Sometimes I wonder, "Is this heaven?" Doesn't smell like heaven... so I would say I have survived.

Arthur: Do you want to die again, Chang? Huh?
Brilliant Chang: Good. The guns are pointed. Now we are all concentrating. The moment is now pure.

Tommy: If you die here today, we'll bury you face down with no hands. You'll go straight to hell.
Brilliant Chang: I don't care about rituals. I am a rationalist, Mr Shelby.

Tommy: A foreman at the dock estimated there was seven tonnes of the stuff. I made a note at the time. I spoke to that particular foreman and I worked out that seven tonnes of pure opium crystals would be worth... approximately, £1,190,000 on international markets.

Aberama Gold: Well, Holy Lord God, Tommy Shelby OBE, does your vanity have no limits?
Tommy: I believe it is called "the ego" these days.

Tommy: You can't read?
Aberama Gold: I don't read.
Tommy: It's Swan Lake.
Aberama Gold: Ballet?
Tommy: Yeah. Apparently, it's about love. Polly says that, for now, love must defeat revenge.

Tommy: ...This comprehensive document, pleading for Government intervention in all areas of economic life, represents not just socialism, but a new breed of National Socialism. And I believe... I believe that the leaders of my own party have been very foolish to reject it.

Mosley: Such rogues we are, aren't we?.. Sing like songbirds in the House... And then, afterwards, relieve ourselves in the bodies of whomever we choose. Two men for whom forbidding is forbidden.

Michael: And this, erm, this coal... is it snow white?
Polly: No. Golden brown.

Michael: Tommy knows what opium does to people?
Polly: Tommy knows what whisky does to people. He got an OBE for selling it.

McCavern: Well, who would've thought I'd be doing business with fucking Gypsy Catholic scum?... Aye, but you're OK.
Tommy: Yeah, I'm only OK until I'm not OK. Then I'm really not.

Mosley: An evening with a tribe of Gypsies... When you've unpacked, there should be a girl laid on for you. Mr Shelby is a socialist, and believes in equality of service for all classes.

Michael: The magazines say that it's all straight lines and simplicity in the 1930s. Deco is dead.

Polly: Mr Shelby asked me to tell you that he's busy with the catering preparations and will be joining you shortly. In the meantime, and while you're waiting, we have opium, cocaine and brandy.
Mosley: I don't use opium or cocaine, and brandy is for after dinner, not before.

Polly: All things are available... except the ballerinas.
Mosley: And who, might I ask, are you?
Polly: I am a queen amongst the Romanies. And I too am unavailable.

Mosley: You were indisposed when I arrived. In society, you greet a guest, you don't leave them hanging... looking around like a fucking dog!

Mosley: By the way, your brandy before dinner thing amuses me, but none of the maids are of interest. And I despise the use of drugs.

Mosley: Mr Shelby. I know you had no classical education, but I just realised you are the perfect balance between the gods Dionysus and Apollo. Irrational frenzy controlled by reason and self-reflection. Do you know the work of Friedrich Nietzsche?
Tommy: No.
Mosley: Freud?
Tommy: Yes.
Mosley: Ah.

Polly: Let's fuck before the swan dies.

Linda: May you Peaky Blinders all rot... in fucking hell.

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