18 сент. 2019 г.

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Jean Grey: Who are we? Are we simply what others want us to be? Are we destined to a fate beyond our control? Or can we evolve? Become... something more?

Jean Grey: Special is just a nice word for...
Professor Charles Xavier: Weird? Or crazy?... Yep, sometimes it is. Sometimes, it can be a word used to describe people who are significant. Or amazing. Or... Or just... just really cool.

Raven: It's funny. I can't actually remember the last time you were the one risking something. And by the way, the women are always saving the men around here. You might wanna think about changing the name to X-Women.

Raven: It's not our life, Hank. It's his. What do you think the "X" in X-Men stands for?

Jean Grey: And don't try to lie. I can read your mind.

Ororo Munroe: Sometimes you want to believe people are something that they are not. And then, by the time you realize who they are... it's too late.

Vuk: This truly is an unfortunate development.
John Grey: Why-Why is that?
Vuk: Because it's so much easier to understand your language when you're not screaming.

Erik Lehnsherr: You're always sorry, Charles. And there's always a speech. But nobody cares anymore.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

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