9 сент. 2019 г.


Peaky Blinders 5×3

Tommy: There is God, and there are the Peaky Blinders. This is Sparkhill, we're in Small Heath. We are much, much closer at hand than God.

Polly: Tommy, I'm 45 years old today.
Tommy: 45 years old and still breaking hearts, eh? To Polly!

Michael: So, what's the strategy?
Tommy: You can smile. You... don't smile.

Tommy: The man we're about to meet is the Minister for the Duchy of Lancaster. He's also deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cabinet adviser to the Prime Minister of Great Britain. You've both met bad men before. The man we're about to meet... is the devil.

Mosley: And bingo. 20 seconds in, and I have them speaking their wog lingo.

Tommy: Don't worry, Sandra. The only way to get fired from this household is through burnt toast... or talking to the police.

Tommy: She fucking helped him! But it can't be love, cos it's Polly. Cos it's fucking Polly.

Gina: Liberty. Freedom.
Polly: Feels like a weapon.

Gina: Michael wants you to come with us. We can all live in Long Island, right on the beach.
Polly: Isn't Long Island in Australia? Or is it in California, amongst the Indians?
Gina: It's in New York, Polly...
Polly: You see, we all try and get away. But we never do.

Tommy: Revolution.
Eden: So, how is life as a socialist?
Tommy: This glass. The bubbles. They rise to the top. Each bubble has the same chance to rise.
Eden: That is a very peculiar form of socialism.
Tommy: And this bottle. Once the cork comes out... you can't get it back in. You need to finish what you started. It's cleverness, that's all.

Tommy: People can be turned around. Even your people.
Eden: My people?
Tommy: Yeah. For them, it's just the same. Communism. Fascism. For most people, it's an apple and an apple.

Lizzie: People are loyal to those who pay their wages. That's why I'll be loyal to you.

Tommy: You marry a Shelby, you stay fucking married.

Arthur: I'm a good man. I'm a fucking good man, like you. A God-fearing man. There is good in my heart. There is good in my heart! But my hands... These hands belong to the devil. The fucking devil!

Mosley: Two months ago, I was in Rome. I met Mr Mussolini. You and I and men like him... we will shape the future.

Tommy: When will you resign from the Labour Party?
Mosley: The day before I announce the formation of my new party. The British Union of Fascists will be born on January 1st of next year. The first day of a new decade. The 1930s, Mr Shelby, will belong to us.

Jimmy McCavern: Today, gentlemen, we are avenging an unprovoked attack on members of our organisation who were simply carrying out a routine border patrol. Our enemies are Gypsies, members of a race destined for natural eradication anyway, due to what the scientists call selection. And since these beggars are unchristened and unregistered, the local constabulary will as soon drop them in a communal grave as find a name for a gravestone. So proceed in any manner you choose to find the fugitive we seek.

Jimmy McCavern: So, Tommy Shelby... it's war you want... it's war you shall have.

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