22 сент. 2019 г.

Cohen, Lenny Cohen.

Imposters 1×4

Jules: Are you sure this is it? It just looks so, like, out of a horror movie.

Richard Evans: Maddie Jonson. That is so... Maddie Jonson. There's no "H" in Jonson. I've never seen that.
Jules: Maybe they couldn't afford it.

Arlen Jonson: I'm... I'm listening. Who wrote that book that is there in your... in your... Shit. In your... In your stomach there?
Ezra Bloom: Henry Miller. It's the "Tropic of Cancer."
Arlen Jonson: All right. Okay, read it.
Ezra Bloom: Out loud?
Arlen Jonson: Yes. Aloud. A loud. Loud.
Ezra Bloom: Okay. "When I realize that she is gone, perhaps gone forever, a great void opens up and I feel that I am falling."
Arlen Jonson: That is dead on, son.

Gary Heller: Trust is the basis of everything that happens at this institution.

Gary Heller: Who else sneaks around and looks at other people's stuff?
Sally: Oh, the dentist looks in our mouths...

Lenny Cohen: Let me say a few things to help you... Everywhere you go, everything you do, everything you think should be about doing your job. So land Heller. Go to bed with him. Marry him. And disappear. You know the game. Just do your job.

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