6 сент. 2019 г.

If Not For Hope

Outlander 4×11

Jamie: Ye'll have heard about the Mohawk, no doubt, in yer time.
Claire: Only in movies. Uh, the moving pictures I've told you about. I don't know much about them. Sometimes it's hard to separate fact from fiction.
Jamie: When ye dinna have two sides of the story, aye, it is.

Brianna: And what if I don't want a husband? What does want have to do with it?
Jocasta: Everything!
Brianna: Everything?
Jocasta: Ye've a bairn coming. Yer time to be particular is long past. Ye've nothing, not a penny to yer name, a name at risk of being tarnished, at that. Ye have to think of yer future, yer security.

Jocasta: The important thing is, the bairn was born in wedlock. If yours is not, he'll be branded a fatherless bastard. His life will be ruined.

Jocasta: I ken ye once had a man ye loved, but he's gone. It's not what ye want to hear, but he's not coming back. He's with the savages now, be it dead or alive. The sooner ye accept that, the better. Ye canna live on hope.

Brianna: I would comment on the weather, or ask your opinion on the gardens, but... with the time passing, I wanted to ask instead... Will you marry me?

Brianna: If I marry him, I'll... be exchanging hope for a broken heart. But I'll do what I must. For the sake of my child. I'll do what I must.

Lord John Grey: The thing is, we're all here in this New World not because it's new. These lands are as old as any. It's only new because there is hope. And hope is at the very heart of love.

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