30 апр. 2018 г.

Super Bowl Sunday

This Is Us 2×14

Kevin: Make fun? I'm a 37-year-old former sitcom star staying with his mother in New Jersey, post-rehab stint. I think I've-I've lost the high ground on making fun of anything at this point.

Randall: Um... When you lose someone... when you lose someone suddenly, and unexpectedly, it hurts... differently.
    I had a tooth that got infected once. Woke me from the dead of sleep, middle of the night. It was this dull, throbbing, excruciating pain, it was awful. But then, the pain changed. It became sharper. Like sudden, direct bursts of pain that came out of nowhere. Boom, boom, like a lightning strike. That's what unexpected loss is like. It's like, uh, a lightning bolt you can't even see reaching inside of you and tearing out your guts and...

Rebecca: No, no, no, no, we're not, we're not gonna, we're not gonna do that right now, Miguel. No, because I have to go in and I have to talk to my kids and I have to ruin the rest of their life. So I'm gonna be strong for them. God help me, I'm gonna be strong for them and if you can't be strong either, then you need to take a walk around the block until you can.

Jack: I've still got the only thing I ever really needed.

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+ Soundtracks

What's Your Story?

Fear the Walking Dead 4×1

John: Someone there? I mean... not one of the passed?

John: Have a little... badinage, my mama used to say. That's just a fancy word for chat. It's been... I don't know... maybe a year.

John: So... what's your story?

Jesus: "Here" and "there" are just labels. It's all one place.

Rick: Come back with me. Don't wait this time. Don't... waste one more second. You're alive. You're part of the world.

Rick: You'll end up with people one way or another. You're connected.

Rick: You're a part of the world already. You'll find your way back to it, 'cause it will find its way back to you, so just... come back.

Rick: Well, like I said, you can hide... but you can't run.

John: I'm John. John Dorie, like the fish. But I-E, no Y.

Morgan: I'm just passin' through...

Leland: Karate man... and a gunslinger. How about that?

Leland: You got your hand on the lever?... Why in the hell you actin' like we have a choice?
Althea: There's always a choice, Leland... This just happens to be an easy one.

John: Well, I just want to give you something. OK? Clean socks. Worth their weight in gold. 'Course, gold ain't worth much nowadays.

Morgan: This world... we're always on our own.

John: The dead? I call 'em the passed.
Morgan: Call 'em walkers where I'm from.
Althea: Look at that. A piece of personal history.

Althea: Tell me one real thing, then we'll call it even. Why'd you leave Virginia?
Morgan: ... I lose people and then I lose myself.

Morgan: And no more questions.
Althea: I'm not gonna stop asking you questions. Especially about that tiger.
Morgan: No more answers, then.

Morgan: I don't kill.
Althea: Come on, dude, you gotta answer some of my questions at some point.
John: I don't kill either. At least I try not to.
Althea: Great moment for both of you to share this fact.

Alicia: There are-- There are bad people. There are bad people... here.

Althea: So what the hell's your story?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (8/10)

&  Хотя у старого человека гораздо меньше будущего, чем у двадцатилетнего, но зато старик к этому будущему относится гораздо бережнее...

&  – Даст ли нам это, скажем, год нормальной работы?
     Мистер Пони мужественно поборол в себе вечный страх инженеров пообещать что-нибудь определенное и выдавил:
     – Ну, возможно, если мы не потеряем слишком много персонала, и зима окажется не слишком суровой, но ведь всегда что-нибудь...

&  – Это же так... очевидно. – сказал Позолот. – Ты делаешь деньги, когда компания катится в тартарары, потом делаешь деньги, снова поднимая ее, можно даже сделать немного денег на ее нормальной работе, потом продаешь ее самому себе, когда она снова рухнет. Да тут одни только права аренды стоят целое состояние.

&  Когда твой босс начинает сам себе рассказывать, как он хорош – это верный признак, что пора сматывать удочки.

&  Никогда не забывай, что твоей коронации аплодирует та же самая толпа, которая будет аплодировать твоей казни. Люди любят шоу.

&  Почему люди так глупы? Они цепляются за невежество, потому что у него привычный запах.

29 апр. 2018 г.

Dragonfly in Amber

Outlander 2×13

Roger: Thank you all for coming. It would've meant a great deal to my father. And if you knew him, you know that he was not one to leave anything to chance, including the toast for his own wake...
    "To Death, the jolly old bouncer now.
    Our glasses let's be clinking.
    If he hadn't put other out, I trow,
    to-night we'd not be drinking..."

The Reverend!

Claire: MacKenzie. I used to know quite a few MacKenzies... once upon a time.

Roger: May I ask you something personal? How did you do it? Finally say good-bye... to that one person you loved most in all the world?
Claire: Truth is, I've never been very good at saying good-bye, but that's the hell of it, isn't it? Whether you want to say good-bye or not, they're gone, and... you have to go on living without them. Because that's what they would want.

Claire: Wasn't that tall in real life. He could have been great. He had the name, the cause, the support of good men willing to lay down their lives for him. They've taken a fool, turned him into a hero.

Brianna: My real father is some 6'3" redheaded guy in a kilt from the 18th century?! What is wrong with you?

Geillis: Afraid I'm leaving tonight to... further the cause. But don't stop asking the hard questions. That's the way the world changes.

Jamie: This child, this one is all that will be left of me ever.

Jamie: If I have to endure 200 years of purgatory... 200 years without you, then that is my punishment that I have earned for my crimes, for I have lied, killed, stolen, betrayed... And broken trust. But when I stand before God, I'll have one thing to say to weigh against all the rest. Lord... you gave me a rare woman... And God, I loved her well.

Claire: He... he survived. If that's true, then... I have to go back.

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+ Soundtrack

The Comet Polarization

The Big Bang Theory 11×21

Amy: You know, the Greek version of Mercury, Hermes, was worshipped in Athens by the carving of giant wooden phalluses.
Sheldon: Please, Amy, get your mind out of the ancient Athenian gutter!

Sheldon: Who are all these people? What? Is this a flash mob?
Howard: Are they dancing?

Sheldon: If I'm going to sit, read, and ignore a woman, it's going to be my fiancée.

Stuart: Comic Center, where the real superhero is you.

Howard: But you got all dressed up. We were supposed to have dinner and romance.
Bernadette: We'll just have to divide and conquer. I'll go to dinner, and you can stay home with the Internet and have romance.

Sheldon: No... I'm not annoyed that she's a woman. I'm annoyed, and she's a woman.
Amy: No, I get that. I'm annoyed and I'm a woman.

Sheldon: You're wise, and you smell like books. You really are the whole package.

Neil Gaiman: You know, if you're interested in alternate histories, Neil Gaiman wrote one called 1602.
Sheldon: I'm sorry, we're in the middle of something here.
Neil Gaiman: It is pretty good, actually. He takes the Marvel superheroes and he puts them into Elizabethan England.
Sheldon: Let me guess-- everyone thinks the X-Men are witches.
Neil Gaiman: Yeah...

Leonard: I did realize something. I-I don't need to fight your battles. You... you are a strong and independent woman. You have your own voice. And, to quote another strong woman, Katy Perry, it's time to hear you roar.

On the IMDb
+ Vanity Card # 588!

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (7/10)

&  Удар деревянным колом в сердце имеет то преимущество, что прекрасно действует не только на вампиров.

&  Как бы ты ни старался оглядываться назад, позади тебя всегда есть еще одно «позади», куда ты в данный момент не смотришь.

&  Нет более печального запаха, чем запах мокрой, сгоревшей бумаги. Он значит: конец.

&  Беседа со Стражей вышла неловкой. Мокрист сделал все, что мог в данных обстоятельствах. Главное – никогда не говорить правды. Все равно полицейские никогда не верят тому, что им говорят люди, так что нет смысла загружать их лишней работой.

&  Такое не может случиться. Не должно случиться. Но никогда ведь не знаешь наверняка... вдруг на этот раз сработает.
     Мокрист узнал эту безумную страсть. Раньше она давала ему средства на жизнь. Ты знаешь, что человек устроивший игру "Найди Даму", обязательно выиграет, ты знаешь, что люди в нужде не продают кольца с бриллиантами за долю их стоимости, ты знаешь, что удача всегда поворачивается к тебе задом, и ты знаешь, что боги не выбирают каждый день из населения целого мира одного недостойного недоноска, чтобы вручить ему целое состояние.
     За исключением того, что на этот раз ты, возможно, все таки ошибаешься, верно? Такое ведь может случиться, да?
     Все это было известно под именем величайшего из сокровищ, Надежды. Это был верный способ очень быстро стать беднее, чем ты есть, и остаться таким навсегда. Это можешь быть ты. Но не будешь.

&  – Вы что предпочитаете, джентльмены, сделать работу быстро, дешево или хорошо?

28 апр. 2018 г.

The Post

Kay Graham: It wasn't an accident. Phil's suicide. I don't know why people insist on calling it an accident. Is it to make them feel better? Or do they think they're being kind?

Kay Graham: Catastrophic events... do occur, you know.

Ben Bradlee: Is anybody else tired of reading the news instead of reporting it?!

Copy Editor: Have the courts ever stopped a paper from publishing before?
Fritz Beebe: Not in the history of the republic.
Arthur Parsons: Good thing we're not part of this mess.
Ben Bradlee: I'd give my left one to be in this mess.

Daniel Ellsberg: The study had 47 volumes...

Daniel Ellsberg: Wouldn't you go to prison to stop this war?
Ben Bagdikian: Theoretically, sure.
Daniel Ellsberg: You are gonna publish these documents?
Ben Bagdikian: ... Yeah.
Daniel Ellsberg: Even with the injunction?
Ben Bagdikian: Yes.
Daniel Ellsberg: Well, then it's not so theoretical then, is it?

Ben Bradlee: I never thought of Jack as a source, I thought of him as a friend. And that was my mistake. And it was something that Jack knew all along. We can't be both. We have to choose. ... The way they lied. The way they lied. Those days have to be over. We have to be the check on their power. If we don't hold them accountable, I mean, my God, who will?

Fritz Beebe: If the government wins and we're convicted... The Washington Post as we know it will cease to exist.
Ben Bradlee: If we live in a world where the government can tell us what we can and cannot print... then The Washington Post as we know it has already ceased to exist.

Ben Bradlee: What will it look like if we sit on our asses?
Arthur Parsons: It'll look like we were prudent.
Ben Bradlee: It will look like we were afraid! We will lose! The country will lose! Nixon wins! Nixon wins this one, and the next one... and all the ones after that, because we were scared. Because the only way to assert the right to publish is to publish.

Ben Bradlee: She says, we publish.

Kay Graham: You know that quote? That quote... "A woman preaching is like a dog walking on its hind legs. It's not done well... and you're surprised to see it's done at all." Samuel Johnson.
Lally Graham: Oh, Mummy... Well, it's a bunch of nonsense.
Kay Graham: No, but that's the way we all thought then... you know? I was never supposed to be in this job.

Ben Bradlee: What are you so happy about?
Ben Bagdikian: I always wanted to be part of a small rebellion.

Ben Bradlee: No matter what happens tomorrow, we are not a little local paper anymore.

Meg Greenfield: Listen up, everybody. Listen up. Justice Black's opinion... "The founding fathers gave the free press... the protection it must have... to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors."

Kay Graham: You know what my husband said about the news? He called it the first rough draft of history. That's good, isn't it? Oh, well, we don't always get it right, you know? We're not always perfect, but I think if we just keep on it, you know? That's the job, isn't it?

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Σ varlamov: «Стивен Спилберг снова продемонстрировал свое удивительное мастерство. Безупречно сделанная, блистательно сыгранная, насыщенная множеством убедительных исторических деталей, его картина The Post (в нашем прокате — «Секретное досье») держит в напряжении от первой секунды до последней. Это фильм про привычный до зубной боли конфликт журналистского долга и политической лояльности. Историю борьбы за свободу слова Спилберг превращает в глубокую человеческую драму. В центре сюжета — женщина, унаследовавшая от покончившего с собой мужа газету The Washington Post и массу дружеских контактов в политической элите страны. Но Кэтрин Грэм — никакой не бизнесмен и не журналист, она мать, бабушка и светская дама. Именно поэтому так интересно следить за тем, как ей приходится делать свой личный выбор, который оборачивается общенациональным скандалом в США. ...»

Designated Survivors

The Last Man on Earth 4×15

Mike: You like that haircut?
Tandy: I love it.

Gail: Tandy, no one gives a flying burrito about what kind of bag it was!

Mike: What I'm saying is, I don't think that we are just survivors... We're designated survivors.

Carol: Mike, I'd like you to meet our daughters. This is Bezequille, and this one... is Mike.

Melissa: We're dealing with an alpha dog. And, Todd... I mean this in the best way... But you're... you're a solid beta.

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+ Soundtrack

27 апр. 2018 г.


Kane: We'll be under the same hemisphere.
Lena: What does that tell me?
Kane: It tells you that if you step outside and you look up... we'll be looking at the same stars.

Dr. Ventress: Then, as a psychologist... I'd say you're confusing suicide with self-destruction. Almost none of us commit suicide... and almost all of us self-destruct. In some way, in some part of our lives. We drink, or we smoke. We destabilize the good job. Or the happy marriage. These aren't decisions, they're... They're impulses. In fact, you're probably better equipped to explain this than I am.
Lena: What does that mean?
Dr. Ventress: You're a biologist. Isn't self-destruction coded into us? Programmed into each cell?

Kane: You ever seen a phosphorus grenade go off? They're kind of bright. Shield your eyes.

Dr. Ventress: It's not like us. It's unlike us.

Dr. Ventress: It will grow... until it encompasses everything. Our bodies and our minds will be fragmented into their smallest parts until... not one part remains. Annihilation.

Lena: You aren't Kane... are you?
Kane: I don't think so... Are you Lena?

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Σ profi: «Только что посмотрел эту самую "Аннигиляцию". Хорошие актеры, дорого снято. Однако...

почитайте, что модный типа интеллектуальный кинокритик пишет вокруг да около этого фильма. Лично я ничего этого не увидел. Возможно оно всё спрятано так глубоко, что не каждому видно. ...»

Special Delivery

The Last Man on Earth 4×14

Todd: You know, the... we're gonna approach this like a... like a business transaction.

Todd: So-so, my, um... c-company... is-is gonna, uh... uh, manually, uh, produce as-as much, um... uh... product as-as it can possibly generate. You know, w-without me passing out. A-And then my company is going to, mm, deliver, uh, my product to your company's... loading zone. And then your company is-is going to just basically, uh, uh... baste the whole store with, uh... product.
Erica: Yeah, could you stop calling it "product"?

Tandy: Top o' the morning to ya, bud! Nice, uh, leprechaun skirt. Healthy airflow for the old, uh, bag and pipe, huh?

Tandy: Knowasa? Yaknowasaa?

Carol: Ooh, perfect timing. I just finished.
Tandy: Well, hopefully that's what Todd will be saying in a few short minutes from now.

Todd: Is that a...
Carol: A masturbatorium? Yes, it is.

Tandy: O Captain! My Captain!

Melissa: What do you say we boogie down the street, get some candles, burn them down, and make new candles. Am I right, queen?
Erica: Yeah... You know, I think I'm just gonna... stay here and fold clothes.

Erica: Well, I'll see you later.
Melissa: Yeah, you will... Big-time.

Tandy: Oh, God. I hate it, too, Gail. God, I hate it, but, yeah, I got to follow "procotol" here.

Tandy: Oh, you're such fake news! Sad!

Carol: Everyone! We've got company.

Tandy: Gang, I cannot, in good conscience, take credit for this booty cigar.

Tandy: Mike.

On the IMDb

26 апр. 2018 г.

That'll Be the Day

This Is Us 2×13

Toby: Some people look at vacation rentals, some people look at porn, I look at dogs. Some guy at the office, he got this cute little doodle. And he's showing everybody pictures of it. I went down a puppy rabbit hole, that's all.

Randall: Allison really isn't into football. I think we're gonna go see Titanic if that's okay. You know, it's her favorite movie. She's seen it, like, six times.
Jack: So, you're gonna miss the Super Bowl to take Allison to go see Titanic for the seventh time?

Kate: Don't ever stop. Don't stop trying to... to make me see myself the way you see me.

Randall: You ever think of yourself as an old man? Like, sometimes I try, and I can't. I think it's hard to picture myself outliving Dad, you know? ... He's already been gone for 20 years. He's already been gone longer than we had him.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Bad Beginning: Part One

A Series of Unfortunate Events 1×1

Lemony Snicket: This story will be dreadful, melancholy and calamitous, a word which here means "dreadful and melancholy."

Lemony Snicket: If you are interested in stories with happy endings, then you would be better off somewhere else. In this story, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning, and very few happy things in the middle.

Lemony Snicket: This would be a perfect time to leave and pretend the rest of the story was just as happy and successful.

~ ~ ~

Count Olaf: Do you know what this is?
Klaus: It looks like a list.
Count Olaf: Wrong! It's a list. A list of chores. Rich brats like you are probably spoiled rotten and have never done a chore in your life.

Count Olaf: Well, welcome to your lucky life.

Violet: First of all, first impressions are often wrong--
Count Olaf: Very true. For example, your first impression of me may be that I am a terrible person. But in time, Baudelaires, I hope you'll come to realize... you haven't the faintest idea.

Justice Strauss: A library is like an island in a vast sea of ignorance. Don't you agree?
Klaus: I do. Particularly if the library is tall and the surrounded area has been flooded.

Lemony Snicket: There are many, many things that are better than nothing. A home-cooked meal is better than nothing. A roof over one's head is better than nothing.
And a place to sleep, even if the bed is very small and the blanket damp with tears, is better than nothing. But being raised in a violent and sinister environment by a man more interested in one's fortune than comfort and well-being is not better than nothing.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!
+ Origins: Скверное начало (Тридцать три несчастья # 1)

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (6/10)

&  А ведь это суть любого жульничества – отвлекая внимание и аккуратно выбирая подходящий момент, сделать так, чтобы стекло стало больше похоже на бриллиант, чем настоящий бриллиант.

&  – Слушай Боб, ты кое чего не понимаешь, э? Тут дело в стиле, понял? Правильная драка сама по себе не происходит. Нельзя просто наваливаться всей толпой, сейчас так не делается.

&  Мокрист бочком прокрался мимо драчунов и оглядел большую комнату. Важно было не замедлять движения. Это привлекает ненужное внимание.

&  Когда Взяткер Позолот болтает о свободе, он имеет в виду свою свободу, и ничью больше.

&  – Вы не понимаете, как мыслят големы. Они верят, что вселенная имеет форму пончика.
     – Имеется в виду пончик колечком, или пончик с джемом?
     – Колечком, определенно, но не углубляйтесь в кулинарные детали, потому что вы явно собрались шутки шутить, я вижу. Они думают, что у вселенной нет начала и конца. Мы просто все время ходим по кругу, но нам не обязательно каждый раз принимать те же самые решения.

&  О боги. Он, наверное, сошел с ума. Он не знал, когда он туда зашел, но теперь сошел, это точно. Вот что случается, когда соглашаешься работать за зарплату.

25 апр. 2018 г.

The Hail Mary

Outlander 2×12

Murtagh: A war council, eh? I think we three ken where that will lead. Culloden Moor lies but a few miles east of here. 16th of April, ye said. That's when history records the battle.
Claire: Three days from now...
Jamie: All that work, all that plotting, how the bloody hell did we end up here? As ye say, Sassenach, it wasna from lack of trying. But dinna wave the white flag just yet.

Charles Stuart: I am not some frightened hare to be run down by a pack of British hounds. I am a man. And I am a soldier. And I shall comport myself as one. I'm weary of retreat. The men will rest, and then we shall march to Culloden. Gentlemen, God will provide for us. We do His bidding.

Claire: If I am to attend your brother, then I want something in exchange... You will tell me where Cumberland's army is.
Jack Randall: My.

Colum: I've been dying for years. It's a wearisome process. I welcome it's conclusion.

Colum: That's one of the pleasures of dying. I can finally admit my mistakes.

Colum: Memories... they remain raw even longer than wounds.

Jack Randall: Your curse. April 16th, 1746.
Claire: Yes. The date of your death.

Dougal: So ye turn yer back on me one final time, eh? And ye leave me alone in the dark... the darkness of the world.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack


This Is Us 2×12

Barbara: In here is in here, but out there, there are 86,400 seconds in a day.
Kevin: Did you steal that from Rent?
Barbara: No. My point being, is that it just takes one second to slip up.

Kevin: You don't get it, Dad. I mean, you didn't really have anything that you loved to do and then lost.

Jack: Let's button this up. Give me this... Here we go. Sometimes, always, never.

Kevin: You're happy with him?
Rebecca: After your father died, I had to let go of a lot of things... And happiness was one of the first things to go.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (5/10)

&  – Слова очень важны. И когда их собирается много, они образуют критическую массу, которая начинает изменять природу вселенной. Вы испытывали ощущения, которые казались галлюцинациями?
     – Да! Я как будто вернулся назад во времени! Но при этом оставался в настоящем!
     – О, да. Это обычное дело. Спрессованные вместе слова могут воздействовать на пространство и время.

&  – Сам факт, что вы доставили хотя бы что-то, должен облегчить ситуацию, я уверен. – утешил его профессор Пелч, улыбаясь, как врач, который сообщает пациенту, что его заболевание смертельно только в 87% случаев.

&  Одно из преимуществ преступной жизни: нет смысла вставать, пока улицы не заполнились людьми.

&  – ... Ну а теперь... давайте продадим немного марок!

&  Это было важным правилом любой игры: всегда делай так, чтобы отдать тебе денежки было очень просто.

&  Ему поверят, потому что это будет очень правильная история... потому что люди хотят верить во что-то подобное, потому что из нее получится отличная байка, потому что если навести достаточно блеска, стекло становится больше похоже на бриллиант, чем сам бриллиант.

&  Внезапно весь мир стал как Борис – двигался быстро, собирался укусить и совершенно не поддавался управлению. Единственным способом не провалиться, было держаться на гребне волны.

&  – Но у нее ведь даже усики видны!
     – Дасэр. Кто угодно может найти для себя кого-то в этом прекраснейшем из миров, сэр.

24 апр. 2018 г.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Spencer's Mom: Don't forget your EpiPen. Please, remember, the world is terrifying. Be careful of everything.

Young Spencer: Just for a few minutes. It'll be fun...

Fridge: That was a hippo. They're omnivorous. They're fast as a horse over short distances, and they have the bite force of 8100 newtons-- How do I know this?

Bethany: So how do we do this?
Fridge: Uh. Easy. You just, uh... You unzip, take it out, fire away.
Spencer: Remember to aim. It's very important.

Fridge: Are you...? What are you doing? Are you looking?
Bethany: Sorry.
Fridge: You don't look over!
Spencer: Yeah, you never look. It's a thing.

Bethany: Okay, good boy. We're gonna take this nice and slow, and nobody's gonna get hurt. Now what?
Fridge: Now blast off.
Spencer: And aim! Don't forget to aim.
Fridge: What is with you and aiming? What happened?

Bethany: Okay, in flirting situations, the key is making them check you out without letting them know that you know that they're checking you out. You're like, "Whatever." When they try to talk to you, you can play it one of three ways: dumb, super into it, or nasty. Which way you play it depends on what guy you deal with.

Bethany: Now, hair is everything. Touch it. Move it. Play with it. Move it around a lot. Hypnotize them with it.

Bethany: Did he just refer to himself in the third person?
Martha: Um, fourth person, I think.

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+ Soundtracks

Release the Hounds

The Last Man on Earth 4×13

Melissa: Do you want to have a baby with Todd?

Carol: Your lower back hair is catching the light in the most beautiful way.

Carol: Whatever you're doing, keep doing it, 'cause Mommy likey.
Tandy: Well, Daddy aimsy to pleasey.

Carol: Sorry we're late. Tandy and I were engaged in a spirited petting session.

Tandy: With outercourse like that, who needs intercourse? JK. I do, and hopefully soon.

Carol: Mom, are you saying that Tandy can release the hounds?
Gail: I will never say that, and I would request that you never make me hear that again. But the answer I think you're looking for is yes.

Melissa: Oh! Look who rolled over.

Melissa: Just leave him alone with his trains, and he'll be fine in a few days.

Erica: To Gail. Congratulations on six months of sobriety from red wine!

Tandy: I think I have an idea. And, as usual, I will handle it with grace and "aplobm."

Tandy: Oh, I'm so jealous of you and Melissa. You gals got it made in the shade with lemonade. With ice in it.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (4/10)

&  В конце концов, путешествие во времени – всего лишь разновидность магии. Вот почему все всегда идет наперекосяк.

&  Если почта ставит на вас свой штамп, сэр, то пути назад уже нет...

&  – Молодец – неопределенно похвалил его Мокрист за все сразу, не уточняя, что имел в виду.

&  Бумага – очень важная вещь. Стоит неудачно выбрать плотность и прозрачность бумаги, и никакие навыки чистописания тебя уже не спасут. Людей гораздо проще обмануть плохим почерком, чем плохой бумагой. Фактически, небрежный почерк частенько работает даже лучше, чем неделя бессонных ночей, потраченная на то чтобы аккуратно выписать каждую завитушку; а все от того, что в тщательно выписанном письме человек легко заметит какую-то не совсем правильную мелочь, но дай ему всего лишь несколько штрихов, и он сам додумает все недостающие детали. Отношение, надежда, представление – в этом вся хитрость.

&  Люди обожают зрелища. Дай им зрелище, и ты уже на полпути к своей цели.

&  – Всегда нужно двигаться быстро. Никогда ведь не знаешь, кто за тобой гонится!

&  – Ну хорошо, хорошо, я не хотел об этом упоминать, но иконографироваться мне не позволяет моя религия. Нам воспрещается присутствовать на любых изображениях. Это ведь лишает человека части его души, знаете ли.
     – И вы верите в это? В самом деле?
     – Э, нет. Нет. Конечно, нет. В общем-то. Но... религия это не шведский стол, понимаете? Нельзя сказать: "дайте мне, пожалуйста, Царство Небесное, и полную тарелку Божественного Плана, коленопреклонений много не надо, а уж Запрет на Изображения я и вовсе не возьму, меня от него пучит". Короче, брать надо комплексный обед, или вовсе ничего, иначе... ну, иначе было бы просто глупо.

23 апр. 2018 г.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Jack: Do you ever feel like nothing you do matters? You leave footprints on the beach, and tomorrow they're gone. Like it's just today over again...

Abe: Please. Listen. Go to the island... Find Emerson. The postcard. Go to the loop. September 3rd, 1943.

Olive: You never know who might be watching.

Jake: A bomb dropped on you in 1943.
Olive: It is 1943.
Millard: September the 3rd, 1943.
Emma: All day, every day. It's our loop.

Jake: He said you could explain everything.
Miss Peregrine: That's absolutely true. There are very few things I can't explain. We're what's known, in common parlance, as "peculiar."

Jake: I'll come back tomorrow.
Emma: There's no hurry. I'll be here forever.

Emma: You can see it, can't you? No one else can. It's invisible, Jake. That was Abe's greatest gift of all. He could see the monsters.

Barron: Eventually... you're going to run out of breath. And it'll all be over! Death for your beloved Jake and Miss Peregrine... everlasting life for me! Ew! And a mint for you.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Señor Clean

The Last Man on Earth 4×12

Tandy: ...Uh, the gun must have just discharged early.
GaiL: Your gun discharged early?
Tandy: Gail, this is not the time for a hurtful sexual joke. We're talking about a man's life here.

Tandy: ...when I turned around, he was majorly dead. You know, lower body still relatively intact. Upper body just went full Houdini on me, though. You know, just disappeared. Not there anymore.

Tandy: We're gathered here today to lay rest to most of Karl...

Tandy: Karl, we send you our thoughts and prayers as you hurtle, screaming, on your terrifying journey to Hell.

Lucifer, it's me again. Please take care of our Karl. He was a gentle killer who, uh, tried very hard not to eat his friends. Upside-down amen.

Carol: Um... Karl, in case you need a snack on your unholy journey, I collected some of Tandy's dandruff and foot skin flakes. I sprinkle them over you now.

Tandy: Wouldn't you know it, on every single card, it just says, "Hey, you guys are the heroes. I'm just a mirror reflecting your heroism."

Carol: You keep this up, Gail's gonna go from being your mother-in-law to a mother-in-awe.

Tandy: This is about me being the best Tandy I can be for no other reason than it just feels really good.

Tandy: We all would have done the same thing. It's no big deal.
Gail: Wait. Did you just say "no big deal" instead of saying "NBD" or "nizzle bizzle dizzy"?

Melissa: There was blood and guts everywhere. Really gross. You would have loved it.

Tandy: The dip you once knew is married. To your daughter! And there's not gonna be any funny business between us 'cause I haven't wanted to see you naked for a long time, and dreams don't count, okay? You can't control those, and I will not be held responsible for... them, okay?

Tandy: I called you G Spot when all along, I was staring right at a b-hole.

Melissa: I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've come to a decision. I want you to have a baby... You are always gonna want to have kids, and I never will, so, if we're gonna get past this, I'm going to have to compromise.

Melissa: I'm just gonna be the wife of a guy who has a kid. I mean, like you said earlier, I don't want to be the mom. I just want to be the aunt.

Todd: Okay, well, I... I'm-I'm confused. I mean, there's a... serious biological impediment here, you know?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (3/10)

&  Волоски у него на шее встали дыбом. Мы произошли от обезьян, и это значит, что тигр у тебя за спиной.

&  – И вы называете это жизнью?
     – Это гораздо лучше, чем смерть, сэр.

&  Быть абсолютным властителем в наше время не так просто, как некоторые полагают. По крайней мере, не так просто, если вы намерены оставаться абсолютным властителем и дальше. Есть тонкости в этом деле. О, вы, конечно, можете приказать своим людям выбить двери и притащить тех, кого нужно, в подземелья без суда, но злоупотребление таким образом действий выявляет недостаток стиля, плохо влияет на бизнес, входит в привычку и в конце концов очень, очень плохо сказывается на здоровье. По мнению Ветинари, быть разумным тираном гораздо труднее, чем быть правителем, вознесенным к власти идиотской демократической системой "голосуй или проиграешь". Такой правитель всегда может, по крайней мере, сказать людям, что они сами виноваты, выбрав его.

&  – Спасибо вам – сказал он.
     Неважно, за что; улыбайся, говори нужные слова нужным голосом, и всегда, всегда излучай уверенность, как сверхновая звезда.

&  – Смешные шляпы. Обман и угрозы... Знаю я эти штучки. Мистицизм для лавочников. В целом мире нет города, в котором не было бы Верного и Древнего и Справедливого и Тайного Ордена, созданного маленькими людьми, которые думают, что могут познать секреты древних, собираясь на пару часов ночью каждый четверг, и которые понятия не имеют, как глупо они выглядят, напялив длинные балахоны. ... Готов поспорить, у них и секретное рукопожатие есть.

&  Мы были хороши, и пытались стать еще лучше...
     Как все знакомо...

22 апр. 2018 г.


Homeland 7×10

VP Warner: Must gall her... that the survival of her Presidency could come down to me.

Saul: It's always a love story with you.

Sandy: Simone's thesis advisor at the time has a vivid memory of her boyfriend-- tall, dark, and Russian.

Jim: Is the President really that vulnerable?
Saul: Yeah, she is. If we don't produce some hard evidence that screams Russia, and soon, I don't see her making it to the end of the year, much less the end of her term.

Carrie: That's not about days or weeks, Saul. This is about the rest of my life.

David: Is this even legal?
Olivia: It's unprecedented, but the law's clear. The President can dismiss Cabinet members at any time for any reason.

David: The Russians! You are giving them the very Constitutional crisis they've been trying to instigate for months.

President Keane: I did not bust my ass to get elected! I did not survive an assassination attempt just to fold up my tent and go home. Send 'em.

Maggie: You were always so fearless, my God. I hated you for that. Why was I scared all the time?

Maggie: I am not... extraordinary like you, Carrie. I don't run CIA stations in Afghanistan or disrupt terrorist plots in Berlin. I don't advise the President of the United States. My job doesn't require me to risk my life. I'm not a hero. But as it turns out, safe has its advantages, too. A family... A stable home life...

Maggie: In six weeks, the ECT will wear off, and Saul will come knocking with some new crisis, and the whole crazy orchestra will start playing again.

Carrie: Quick. Before I change my mind.

President Keane: Well, if he's carrying an olive branch, tell him he's a day late and a dollar short.

VP Warner: Power without authority is tyranny. That's the line I'm trying to keep you from crossing.

VP Warner: Then you leave me no choice but to deliver to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House a document declaring you unfit for the Office of the Presidency.

VP Warner: It doesn't have to be such a snake pit, Elizabeth-- the world. It really doesn't.

Carrie: Is it too late?
Saul: For?
Carrie: Me to join? I think I could be useful.
Saul: Fucking kidding? Can you be ready in four hours?
Carrie: If I hustle.

Franny: Are you coming back?
Carrie: Of course I'm coming back. I'm going to work, and I always come back when my work's over, don't I?... I always come back.

Maggie: Now go. Go do what you were born to do.

On the IMDb

Vengeance Is Mine

Outlander 2×11

Charles Stuart: It is intolerable! I'd rather be run through by a British bayonet and have my body buried in an unmarked grave than turn back after we have come this far! But I see now that I am betrayed by both friends and allies. You do what you must, but may God damn you to hell for it.

Claire: Here, hold this. I'll get you a black eye patch. You'll be like a proper pirate.
Rupert: Pirates have eye patches?
Claire: And peg legs and a parrot.
Rupert: What in the name of the wee man are you heaving about?
Claire: Mm, oh, never mind.

Murtagh: I kept my word. I lay your vengeance at your feet.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение (2/10)

&  В любом случае вид оружия заставлял его нервничать, поэтому он никогда не носил его с собой. Оружие слишком высоко поднимает ставки. Гораздо лучше заболтать противника, запутать его, или, если это не срабатывает, полагаться на крепкие подошвы и крик: "Смотри, что это вон там?!"

&  – Стойте! Стойте! Есть же правило! Голем не должен наносить вред человеку или допускать, чтобы человеку был причинен вред!
     Лорд Ветинари поднял палец.
     – Пожалуйста, подождите секундочку, мистер Помпа. Ну что ж, прекрасно, мистер Губвиг, а вы можете припомнить, как там дальше?
     – Дальше? Что там дальше? Нет там ничего дальше!
     Лорд Ветинари приподнял бровь.
     – Мистер Помпа?
     – ...Если Иное Не Приказано Ему Полномочным Представителем Властей, – сказал голем.
     – Об этом я никогда раньше не слышал! – запротестовал Мокрист.
     – Не слышали? – спросил, видимо, удивленный этим Ветинари – Да я и представить себе не могу, кто не включил бы такой пункт в правила. Молотку не позволено отказываться ударить по шляпке гвоздя, равно как и пиле – морализаторствовать о природе дерева. В любом случае, на меня работают: палач мистер Трупер, с которым вы уже встречались, конечно, и городская Стража, и солдаты, и, иногда, другие... специалисты, которые полностью уполномочены убивать в целях самозащиты или для защиты интересов города.

&  Всегда есть точка зрения. Всегда есть цена. Всегда есть способ.

&  Это здание явно построили с утилитарной целью. Так что получилась просто большая коробка, чтобы обеспечить пространство для сотрудников, с двумя отходящими назад пристройками, между которыми помещались конюшни. Перед зданием воткнули несколько половинок дешевых колонн, сделали несколько ниш для всяких разных каменных нимф, расставили вдоль парапета каменные урны и – вуаля! – изобразили таким образом Архитектуру.

21 апр. 2018 г.

The Death of Stalin

Sergei: Who was it'?
Andreyev: The Secretariat of the General Secretariat. Of the General Secretary. The Secretary of the General...
Sergei: Stalin?

Andreyev: If you wouldn't mind just taking your seats again. That would be fantastic. Take your seats. Take your fucking seats. Don't worry, nobody's gonna get killed, I promise you. This is just a musical emergency.

Georgy Malenkov: I'm exhausted. I can't remember who's alive and who isn't.
Nikita Khrushchev: Georgy, when you go home, make sure your wife writes down everything you think you said tonight. This way in the morning you know what you're dealing with. That's Khrushchev's Law.

Georgy Malenkov: He's irreplaceable. How can we possibly... All right, we must think of the people. As Acting General Secretary, I must step up. I must... I must take his place while he's... on the floor.
Lavrenti Beria: But you just said he's irreplaceable...
Georgy Malenkov: Irreplaceable. Take his place as in assembling the Central Committee, of course.
Lavrenti Beria: Good. I was testing you. Get used to that sort of challenge. So, what next, boss?

Lavrentiy Beria: Have a long sleep, old man. I'll take it from here.

Georgy Malenkov: When I piss, I try to make eye contact with an officer. Ruins their day.
Lavrentiy Beria: When I piss, I try to piss on an officer. Also ruins their day.

Dr. Lukomsky: Following a group assessment of Comrade Stalin, we've arrived at the unanimous conclusion, based on a collective finding...
Lavrentiy Beria: Please put him out of his misery.
Lidiya Timashuk: Comrade Stalin has had a cerebral haemorrhage. The right side of his body is paralysed.

Georgy Malenkov: All those in favour of pausing the arrests, of pausing the executions?.... All those in favour?.....
Vyacheslav Molotov: Hmm. I've always been loyal to Stalin. Always. And these arrests were authorised by Stalin... But Stalin was also loyal to the collective leadership, and that is true loyalty... However, he also had an iron will, undeviating, strong. Should we not do the same and stick to what we believed in?.... No. It is stronger still to forge our own beliefs with the beliefs of the collective leadership. Which I have now... done.
Georgy Malenkov: Carried... unanimously. Thank you.

Maria Veniaminovna Yudina: Small. He looks so small.

Nikita Khrushchev: What game is this, Lavrenti?
Lavrentiy Beria: Oh, don't be hysterical. We're in a new reality.
Nikita Khrushchev: What, you're the good guy now'? You locked up half the nation. You beat them, you raped them, you killed them.
Lavrentiy Beria: Yes, and now I'm releasing them. And you won't believe how many will be free.

Maria Veniaminovna Yudina: But I'm confident of everlasting life.
Nikita Khrushchev: Who the fuck in their right mind would want everlasting life?!

Field Marshal Zhukov: Who?
Nikita Khrushchev: Beria.
Field Marshal Zhukov: I'm gonna have to report this conversation. Threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of... Look at your fucking face! Nikita Khrushchev. You balls like Kremlin domes.

Georgy Malenkov: If you could do me a favor and just nod as I'm speaking. People are looking to me for reassurance and I have no idea what is going on.

Nikita Khrushchev: ".... You are accused of treason and anti-Soviet behavior. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot."

Nikita Khrushchev: I will bury you in history! You hear me, you fat fucker?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Σ xaxam: «...очень симпатичный постмодернистский стёб в духе тарантиновского "Криминального чтива" над кремлёвскими упырями, чёрная комедия (с минимумом кетчупа). За исключением дуэта Берия-Хрущёв остальные персонажи строжайше выдержаны в традициях commedia dell'arte, совершенно ходульные маски, как и положено персонажам комикса. Но их рекомбинации в качестве заднего плана получаются очень смешными, эдакие интермедии. Это всё может заценить даже человек, не знавший до этого ни одного имени между Сталиным и Хрущёвым.

Отдельный бонус получат те, кто жил в СССР, изучал Историю КПСС и помнит анекдоты советских времён. В кадре звучит приказ "Хрусталёв, машину!", в ответ на пожелание Берии советскому народу "хлеба и мирного неба" Анастас Микоян хихикает, что сосиски - лучше... Можно устроить квиз, кто больше таких жемчужинок заметил. У сценаристов были отличные консультанты
из наших.

Смотрится с удовольствием и на одном чейн-стоксовом дыхании.

The Reclusive Potential

The Big Bang Theory 11×20

Leonard: Don't look at me. When the music stopped, you were holding Sheldon.

Leonard: As Sheldon's best man, I need to inform you that this is not a bachelor party.
Sheldon: And tell them why.
Leonard: Because you're a tiresome scold.
Sheldon: No. It's because a bachelor party is typically a hedonistic blowout where no pleasures of the flesh are denied. I'm not interested in that.
Leonard: How is that not exactly what I said?

Bernadette: It's a quilting bee!
Amy: My bachelorette party's a quilting bee!
Bernadette: Isn't it perfect?
Penny: Yeah, instead of oiled-up strippers and sex toys, we thought: what does Amy like?

Sheldon: We need to set some ground rules so that you don't embarrass me. No magic. No whining. You-- just no.

Sheldon: Um... no offense, Dr. Wolcott, but I'm not sure this makes any sense.
Dr. Wolcott: That's because I've written it all backwards.
Sheldon: You... Wow. That's "wow" backwards. Hmm. You know... I still don't get it.
Dr. Wolcott: Well, plus the numbers are letters and the letters are numbers.
Sheldon: Oh. I love him.

Penny: Are you having fun?
Amy: Yeah... I just, uh, finished sewing this top to bottom. Now I'm gonna sew it side to side.
Bernadette: Pace yourself. Some more tea?
Penny: Oh, lovely.

Amy: Of course I like quilting! It's the slowest way to make a blanket! But this is my bachelorette party! It's supposed to be fun and wild and full of bad decisions.

Sheldon: Dr. Wolcott, your work on time is revolutionary.
Dr. Wolcott: I would say thank you, but, in my theory of time, you've already called my work revolutionary, I've already thanked you, and I hate repeating myself, so let's move on.

Howard: Great. Who's gonna tell Amy we lost her fiancé to a madman in the mountains?

Dr. Wolcott: She lives in Munich. It's a perfect marriage. We focus on our work and send each other cards every year on our birthdays.

Sheldon: ...Also, I'm from Texas, and I can taste the difference between rabbit and squirrel.

Sheldon: Amy, would you still love me if I wasn't who you thought I was?... Well, what if it turns out I'm not the single-minded, science-obsessed recluse who puts his work above everything and everybody else that you fell in love with?
Amy: What if I'm not the straightlaced, buttoned-up, quilting queen you thought I was? What if I'm a... Riverdancing wild woman?

Sheldon: Do you really know how to Riverdance?
Amy: You tell me......
Sheldon: ... I'm the only man you do that for.

On the IMDb

20 апр. 2018 г.

The Magnificent Seven (2016)

Chisolm: Somebody fetch the sheriff.

Chisolm: ...So you seek revenge.
Emma Cullen: I seek righteousness, as should we all. But I'll take revenge.

Josh Faraday: I didn't want to kill him. He shouldn't have touched my guns.

Josh Faraday: Is it difficult?
Chisolm: Impossible.
Josh Faraday: How many you got so far?
Chisolm: Two.
Josh Faraday: What, them?
Chisolm: You and me.

Vasquez: Where is your gun?
Chisolm: Man carries a gun, he tends to use it.

Goodnight Robicheaux: Oh, sight to see, even with a storm on our backs.
Chisolm: Yeah. Rain ain't nothing but wet.
Goodnight Robicheaux: Well, what we lose in the fire we will find in the ashes.

Josh Faraday: Tell you what, for a sip of your whiskey, I'll teach you a few lessons. Lesson one. This ... means don't shoot. ...
    Now, lesson two. Take this card out of my hand. You take the card, you live. You don't, you die. ..... You got to be quick. You just lost your first gunfight. Try it again.... Lesson two. It was never about the cards.
    Now, I'll give you a third lesson...

Chisolm: You want to keep your town, you're gonna have to fight for it.

Chisolm: We're here to help you, but you got to help us. We're gonna need every somebody out here to help us fight.

Goodnight Robicheaux: Fame is a sarcophagus.
Josh Faraday: You read those in a book, or you just make 'em up as you go?
Goodnight Robicheaux: I'll try to use one-syllable words from now on.
Josh Faraday: What... What's a syllable?

Josh Faraday: Statistically speaking, they should've hit something.

Josh Faraday: I've always wanted to blow something up...

Josh Faraday: Six pounds of pressure. That's all that's required to kill a man. And they say the nightmares never go away...

Vasquez: Are you okay, güero?
Josh Faraday: So far, so good.

Goodnight Robicheaux: This reminds me of what my daddy used to say.
Billy Rocks: What's that, Goody? What?!
Goodnight Robicheaux: Well, my daddy used to say a lot of things, you know.

Bartholomew Bogue: If God didn't want 'em sheared, he wouldn't have made 'em sheep.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

+ Quotes from The Magnificent Seven (1960)


The Walking Dead 8×16

Siddiq: But all that's left of the people we lose, what was theirs... are their ideas.
Rick: Thank you.

Ezekiel: But to justify everything we've lost, we must risk losing everything.

Morgan: We are worse than we were... me and you. We are.

Morgan: We've both lost everything, everything good. What... What does it matter if we spend whatever's left on keeping people alive? ... We have. And we can't go back. So let's just finish this.

Eugene: Depending on the terrain and timing, the pump and priming, I believe we should attempt a one-fell-swooper. A firing line that would minimize chaos opportunity and alpha-to-omega this thing in less than 10.
Negan: Are you sure that's something you want to see?
Eugene: More of a "need to" thing.

Negan: Idiots.

Negan: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Probably.

Jared: You don't die, right? Man... You oughta try it sometime.

Negan: You said you didn't want to die a fruitless death. Well, you can't always get what you want.

Jesus: I have a simple proposal. Something to try... This end for the dead, and this end for the living. And things will get better.
Carol: Jesus. I'm starting to like that guy.

Negan: Well, damn, Rick, look at that. Pegged again. Pegged so very hard.

Negan: I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush.

Negan: Pick a direction to run. See how you do. Make it fun for all of us.

Negan: We are cleaning house today, Rick.

Norris: Any of you gents with me? 'Cause I'm with her. Even if she's not with us.

Negan: It's just you and me, Rick. And you... You are torn open. I am bigger, I am badder, and I got a bat.

Negan: Look what you did. Carl didn't know a damn thing...

Rick: Go home. Then the work begins. The new world begins. All this... All this is just what was. There's gotta be somethin' after.

Eugene: Ergo, I created a modicum of phooey for a full kablooey.

Rick: My mercy... prevails... over my wrath.

Morgan: You don't want to be alone. People. Everything is about people. Everything in this life that's worth a damn.

Maggie: But Rick and Michonne... Rick was wrong to do what he did. Michonne, too. So we're gonna bide our time, wait for our moment... and then we're gonna show him.

Father Gabriel: Thank you. Thank you. I understand. I know now. You've given me so much... After you've given me so much. I can see.

+ Quotes on the Quotes on the IMDb

19 апр. 2018 г.

Useful Idiot

Homeland 7×9

Gromov: I can't!
Simone: Then I must plan to never see you again...

Saul: He may be a grasping partisan, but... he's also a patriot.

Carrie: ...he told me there's a burn code for emergencies, delivered as a tweet. And when you get it, you don't just go to ground, you torch your entire part of the operation.

Saul: You think we can launch it?
Carrie: I don't know. You tell me. It means breaking into the Twitter server, which may or may not be feasible. Never mind the legal issues.
Saul: I'll look into that end...

President Keane: What's the catch?
Saul: It'll require some NSA intervention and an American media company. Probably best undertaken without their knowledge.
President Keane: Say what you mean, Saul.
Saul: Electronic breaking and entering on US citizens. If you consider us under attack, you're at liberty to authorize it.
President Keane: But?
Saul: But if it ever leaks, you look like you're playing fast and loose with the Constitution.
President Keane: You notice the longer this goes on, the more I become the leader my enemies say that I am...

Senator Paley: The Russians?
Saul: Yes, sir.
Senator Paley: Yeah, give me a fucking break.

Senator Paley: For Christ's sake. You gonna tell me Castro was in on this, too?

Saul: So far, he's confirmed a devastating account of Russian interference in our Democratic process, including feeding you and your committee a steady diet of manipulated information designed to bring down the President of the United States.

Senator Paley: What's "UI"? It says it next to my name.
Saul: Those are categories used by the GRU. "T" for target, "RA" for recruited asset, "UI" for...
Senator Paley: What?
Saul: .... Useful Idiot.

Senator Paley: What we need is a face-saving measure. Build a narrative about unity in the face of adversity! Some crap like that.

Max: They work pretty hard to stay anonymized.
Sandy: We pray for the lazy ones-- some genius who logs in from Starbucks.

Gromov: Breathe. Breathe. You'll be fine.

Gromov: I don't poison my own people. I have... I have many flaws... but that isn't one of them. I protect my people.

On the IMDb


Outlander 2×10

Angus: It occurs to me... I'll be leaving Scarlet to ye as well.
Rupert: Scarlet the whore?
Angus: Part-time whore. Full-time barmaid.
Rupert: She's not yours to give, ye daft bastard.
Angus: Well, I'm saying she is. And it's ye I'll be giving her to. Do ye accept?
Rupert: I do not.

Murtagh: In a raid, every man has a part to play. You tell yerself that the raid's success or failure is dependent on yer actions. And if ye're forced to wound a man, kill him even, chances are... ye stare into his eyes when doing it. And if you were to be killed, ye'd die knowing that yer memory would live on within yer clan. Yer death would have meaning. But this... this is different. We're but part of a 2,000 strong army. My death, your death, alone would be meaningless. 500, 1,000 would have to be slain before our deaths take on any meaning.
Jamie: That's not a very comforting thought on the eve of battle.
Murtagh: Aye.

Murtagh: I expected the flavor of victory to taste sweeter.
Jamie: Aye. War tastes bitter, no matter the outcome.

Jamie: Well, Claire, turns out you were right about Prestonpans after all.
Claire: I was, wasn't I? That means... I'm also right about the disaster awaiting us at Culloden.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Опочтарение

<< Шляпа, полная небес... (Плоский мир—32)

Плоский мир — 33

Мокрист фон Губвиг — 1

цитаты | Опочтарение | Терри Пратчетт | Going Postal | Плоский мир | Discworld | golem | municipal services | telegraph | con man
  “Флотилии мертвецов дрейфуют по всему миру в подводных реках. ...
&  Фруктовые корзинки – они как жизнь: пока не снимешь сверху ананас, ни за что не угадаешь, что же там под ним.

&  Все-таки люди странно мыслят. Укради пять долларов – и тебя назовут мелким воришкой. Но если ты украл тысячи, то тут уж одно из двух: или ты правительство, или герой.

&  Охранник был прав. Все что нужно сделать в этой жизни – это вытащить ананас. Он большой, колючий и шишковатый, но зато под ним могут оказаться персики.

&  – Мистер Мокрист, этим утром у вас небыло вообще никакого опыта относительно пребывания в мертвом состоянии, но, если бы не мое вмешательство, то вы бы и с этим чрезвычайно успешно справились. – резко заметил лорд Ветинари – Это прекрасная иллюстрация простой истины: не попробуешь – не узнаешь.

&  Всегда двигайся быстро. Потому что никогда не знаешь, что преследует тебя по пятам.

&  Есть поговорка: "Нельзя обмануть честного человека", ее чаще всего повторяют люди, которые имеют неплохой доход, обманывая честных людей.

&  Этот благословенный мир практически свободен от честных людей, зато он чудесно полон людьми, которые верят, что могут отличить честного человека от мошенника.

&  Человек, который не в состоянии просто запомнить, где он спрятал клад, вполне заслуживает того, чтобы лишиться его.

18 апр. 2018 г.

Pitch Perfect 3

Fat Amy: What's up, pitches?

Calamity: I'm Calamity. This is Serenity, Veracity, and Charity.
Fat Amy: If I joined your group I could be Obesity... Get it?

Chloe: So you guys saw what we did there, right?
Veracity: Yeah. So... it's singing.
Chloe: No, well... We just took the last word of the old song and matched it with the first word of the new song, but you stay on tempo, stay on beat, stay on pitch and, of course, keep it in the relative key.

Aubrey: Well, don't give up. My dad always says, "Age wrinkles the body, but quitting wrinkles the soul."

Aubrey: ...And my dad always said, "Expect finite disappointment, and remember, there's always more where that came from."

Fergus: Come to the boat, or your friends swim with the fishies. And I think you know I mean it.
Fat Amy: Oh, I know you mean it. Because you're a terrible person that does terrible things. But there's one thing you're forgetting, Dad... I'm your daughter. Your nightmare blood, it runs through my veins! ... You think you're bad? You have no idea what I'm capable of. I've graduated college. I could do anything. So say your prayers, 'cause Fat Amy is coming... for you.

Fat Amy: This is way too much cardio...

Fat Amy: Beca, you can't say no. You've gotta do it. Look, your real family doesn't hold you back. They lift you up.

Fat Amy: I just found out I got $180 million to put into "Fat Amy Winehouse." Wait, I could do more shows. "Fat Amy Adams." "Fat Amy Grant." Oh, that would be good for Christmas.

Aubrey: You guys, it's like my dad always says, "Always give a hundred percent, unless you're donating blood... or getting a divorce."

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Lies, Amplifiers, F**king Twitter

Homeland 7×8

Carrie: If you were really so sure you had a way to stop that, you wouldn't have answered the phone.

Senator Paley: We're here... to ask you to resign.

Carrie: I can break him. You know I can. I've done it before.
Saul: ... I don't trust you. Not like I used to.

President Keane: I don't want your resignation. He's counting on that, wearing us down so at some point, we'll do anything just to make it stop.

Wellington: I can't read between the lines on this, Elizabeth. You're gonna have to tell me yes or no.

President Keane: Tell them in terms they understand. No more.

Viktor: That woman on the video yelling at you, screaming up a storm. All of them are crazier than usual these days.

Viktor: You can't be serious!
Wellington: I understand, Viktor, that you have to say that. Nonetheless, please tell Moscow that if Simone Martin lies--

Viktor: We are not responsible for that woman. If you cannot handle her, I don't know what you expect me to do.
Wellington: Well, the Sixth Directorate will know... Pass the message to Moscow.

Carrie: The problem isn't that you don't love your country. It's that your country doesn't love you back.

Carrie: Okay. There is something going on--
Maggie: There's always something going on.
Carrie: No, I mean the country is under attack right now!

Carrie: I have an idea about what to do next.
Saul: Carrie, he asked for a lawyer.
Carrie: I know. Let's give him one.

On the IMDb

17 апр. 2018 г.

Justice League

Boy: How many people that you saved... Have you saved?
Superman: I...
Boy: Never mind. Does your thing really stand for hope?
Superman: Yes. It does.
Boy: But it looks like an "S."

Diana Prince: We're asking people we don't know to risk their lives.
Bruce Wayne: I know. That's how this works.

Bruce Wayne: I know you have abilities. I just don't know what they are.
Barry Allen: My special skills include viola, web design, fluent in sign language... Gorilla sign language.
Bruce Wayne: Silica-based quartz sand fabric, abrasion resistant, heat resistant...
Barry Allen: Yeah, I do competitive ice dancing.
Bruce Wayne: It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on reentry.
Barry Allen: I do very competitive ice dancing.

Barry Allen: People are difficult. They require a lot of focus. They, uh... They have, like, a rhythm that I haven't quite been able to... Like brunch! Like, what is brunch? You wait in line for an hour for, essentially, lunch. I mean... I don't know. People are a little slow.
Bruce Wayne: I'll try to keep up.

Bruce Wayne: ... I'll tell you on the plane.
Barry Allen: The plane? What are your superpowers again?
Bruce Wayne: I'm rich.

The Flash: Here's the thing. Um... See, I'm afraid of bugs and, um, guns, and obnoxiously tall people. And murder. And I can't be here. It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but, full transparency, I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away.
Batman: Save one.
The Flash: What?
Batman: Save one person.
The Flash: Uh... Which one?
Batman: Don't talk, don't fight. Get in, get one out.
The Flash: And then?
Batman: You'll know.

Batman: Sorry, guys. I didn't bring a sword.

Diana Prince: Superman is dead. We all wish he weren't.
Bruce Wayne: We don't know what state he's in. We know we can't bring him back. But this is science beyond our limits. And that's what science is for. To do what's never been done. To make life better.
Diana Prince: Or to end it. Technology is like any other power. Without reason, without heart, it destroys us.

Victor Stone: ...I was running the numbers while you were being an asshole, and there is a high probability that we can bring him back.
Barry Allen: Right, right. But we mean bring him back in like a, "Yay, he's back!" way, not in like a Pet Cemetery scenario.

Wonder Woman: He's confused. He doesn't know who he is.
The Flash: Pet Cemetery.

Diana Prince: You were pushing me to lead the team. But leaders get people killed. I fought always when I was needed. But to lead, to step into the light and to say to people, "This is worth your life." When it's your fault, they're all Steve Trevor.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ nostradamvs: «Как и Marvel, DC Comics пытается впрячь всех своих героев в одни и те же сани. И вот они все – Бэтмен, Аквамен, Чудо-женщина и другие – мучительно криво пытаются собраться в паззл, но получается у них плохо. А Супермен-то умер. И герои 1,5 часа думают, что же делать с грядущим апокалипсисом, а потом вдруг говорят: ой, бля, а давайте оживим Супермена. И оживляют. Почему этого нельзя было сделать в первых 30 секундах фильма… ну, фильма бы не было.»

The Tenant Disassociation

The Big Bang Theory 11×19

Amy: Just close the window if you don't like the smell.
Sheldon: Of course I like the smell! It's salt and fat. My brain may be evolved, but my tongue still wants to pick up a club and drag that truck back to my cave.

Stuart: It was me. Yeah. I was trying out a flirty new smile...
Howard: Now, I don't use the word “ghoulish” a lot, but... I-I just can't think of another word.

Sheldon: If leaders just stepped aside every time they didn't have the consent of the governed, what would we have?
Amy: Democracy.
Sheldon: Not on my watch!

On the IMDb

16 апр. 2018 г.


Homeland 7×7

Saul: I really think you'll want to sit down.

Wellington: I've been involved with a Russian agent?
Saul: Almost certainly.

Clint: Who's that?
Saul: Max.
Clint: What-- what's-- what's his skill set?
Saul: Irritant.

Audrey: You know what really bugged him? The sheer unfairness of it all. 'Cause at the same time he's over there, trying to bring some sanity to the situation, there's this woman, this CIA station chief, who was completely off the rails. Right around the time he's sent home from Kabul, total pariah, this crazy lady drops a drone on a wedding party, killing 40 people. And you know what she gets? A promotion...

Clint: Her charity, the International Democracy Foundation? It's a Russian front.

Judge: Your problem? It's called politics, which is why it's such a goddamn mess. It's also why I have no intention of intervening, and nobody else in this building would either.

President Keane: They're trying to destroy me.
Saul: All respect, Ma'am, they're trying to destroy the country. Used to be from St. Petersburg and Moscow. Now it's from Pennsylvania Avenue, three blocks from the White House.

On the IMDb

Je Suis Prest

Outlander 2×9

Lucas: Ma'am, can I ask you a question? What kind of food is this trying to be?
Claire: Well, that, Private Lucas, is trying to be black pudding, though you would probably call it sausage.
Lucas: Then what do you call what we call pudding?
Claire: Pudding.
Lucas: The British and Americans... Two people separated by a common language.
Claire: George Bernard Shaw.

Claire: I'm not sure that you'll grasp the meaning of this either, but I'll try my damnedest... Fuck yourself!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

15 апр. 2018 г.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Leia: Wipe that nervous expression off your face, 3-PO.
C-3PO: Oh. Well, I will certainly try, General... Nervous?

Supreme Leader Snoke: You failed! Skywalker lives. The seed of the Jedi Order lives. And as long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy. I thought you would be the one to snuff it out. Alas, you're no Vader. You're just a child in a mask.

Luke Skywalker: You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order? What did you think was going to happen here? You think that I came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? Go away.

Leia: There are things that you cannot solve by jumping in an X-wing and blowing something up! I need you to learn that.
Poe: There were heroes on that mission...
Leia: Dead heroes. No leaders.

Luke Skywalker: Three lessons. I will teach you the ways of the Jedi and why they need to end... Lesson one, sit here, legs crossed. The Force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together.

Luke Skywalker: Breathe. Just breathe. Reach out with your feelings... What do you see?
Rey: The island. Life. Death and decay, that feeds new life. Warmth. Cold. Peace. Violence.
Luke Skywalker: And between it all?
Rey: Balance. An energy. A Force.
Luke Skywalker: And inside you?
Rey: Inside me that same Force.
Luke Skywalker: And this is the lesson. That Force does not belong to the Jedi. To say that if the Jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. Can you feel that?

Luke Skywalker: Lesson two. Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris.
Rey: That's not true!
Luke Skywalker: At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader.

Master Yoda: Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm?

Master Yoda: Lost Ben Solo, you did. Lose Rey, we must not.

Luke Skywalker: I can't be what she needs me to be.
Master Yoda: Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is.

Master Yoda: Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.

Let's see who formerly owned this gorgeous hunk-uh. Ah, this guy was an arms dealer. Made his bank selling weapons to the bad guys... Oh... And the good. Finn, let me learn you something big. It's all a machine, partner. Live free, don't join.

Poe: C-3PO, where do you think you're going?
C-3PO: It would be quite against my programming to be party to a mutiny.

Ben Solo: The Supreme Leader is dead.
General Hugs: Long live the Supreme Leader.

Finn: Why would you stop me?
Rose: I saved you, dummy. That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.

Leia: Luke.... I know what you're gonna say. I changed my hair.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ colonelcassad: «..... Технически, это весьма красивый и зрелищный фильм, с яркими (но бестолковыми) космическими сражениями, красивыми съемками и неплохой операторской работой. Пожалуй один из наиболее зрелищных в этом году.
Музыка в целом тоже не подводит - достаточно неплохие отсылки к классическим композициям, а также вариации на тему саундтрека из "Пробуждения силы". Проблема технической части (не оценивая логику происходящего) заключается в том, что ни в визуальном, ни в музыкальном плане, фильму особо нечем удивить - просто выполнение обязательной программы типичного блокбастера в промежутке от 100 до 200 млн. долларов, тем более что многие экш-сцены весьма вторичны. ...
Да, новым фильмом вполне можно любоваться, он по своему красив и динамичен, но если во время просмотра всерьез начать задумываться над логикой сюжета, то аудиовизульная магия начнет стремительно распадаться и недоумевающий зритель, который достаточно хорошо знаком с фильмами предшественниками, будет выходить из кинотеатра скорее всего с выражением "Ну, такое..." В таких случаях любят говорить, что это же кино, где надо отключать мозг. Но если вы предпочитает мозг во время просмотра кино не отключать, то в данном случае сказать "Вот ведь здорово!" не получится. Таким джедаям лучше действительно положить конец.