21 апр. 2018 г.

The Death of Stalin

Sergei: Who was it'?
Andreyev: The Secretariat of the General Secretariat. Of the General Secretary. The Secretary of the General...
Sergei: Stalin?

Andreyev: If you wouldn't mind just taking your seats again. That would be fantastic. Take your seats. Take your fucking seats. Don't worry, nobody's gonna get killed, I promise you. This is just a musical emergency.

Georgy Malenkov: I'm exhausted. I can't remember who's alive and who isn't.
Nikita Khrushchev: Georgy, when you go home, make sure your wife writes down everything you think you said tonight. This way in the morning you know what you're dealing with. That's Khrushchev's Law.

Georgy Malenkov: He's irreplaceable. How can we possibly... All right, we must think of the people. As Acting General Secretary, I must step up. I must... I must take his place while he's... on the floor.
Lavrenti Beria: But you just said he's irreplaceable...
Georgy Malenkov: Irreplaceable. Take his place as in assembling the Central Committee, of course.
Lavrenti Beria: Good. I was testing you. Get used to that sort of challenge. So, what next, boss?

Lavrentiy Beria: Have a long sleep, old man. I'll take it from here.

Georgy Malenkov: When I piss, I try to make eye contact with an officer. Ruins their day.
Lavrentiy Beria: When I piss, I try to piss on an officer. Also ruins their day.

Dr. Lukomsky: Following a group assessment of Comrade Stalin, we've arrived at the unanimous conclusion, based on a collective finding...
Lavrentiy Beria: Please put him out of his misery.
Lidiya Timashuk: Comrade Stalin has had a cerebral haemorrhage. The right side of his body is paralysed.

Georgy Malenkov: All those in favour of pausing the arrests, of pausing the executions?.... All those in favour?.....
Vyacheslav Molotov: Hmm. I've always been loyal to Stalin. Always. And these arrests were authorised by Stalin... But Stalin was also loyal to the collective leadership, and that is true loyalty... However, he also had an iron will, undeviating, strong. Should we not do the same and stick to what we believed in?.... No. It is stronger still to forge our own beliefs with the beliefs of the collective leadership. Which I have now... done.
Georgy Malenkov: Carried... unanimously. Thank you.

Maria Veniaminovna Yudina: Small. He looks so small.

Nikita Khrushchev: What game is this, Lavrenti?
Lavrentiy Beria: Oh, don't be hysterical. We're in a new reality.
Nikita Khrushchev: What, you're the good guy now'? You locked up half the nation. You beat them, you raped them, you killed them.
Lavrentiy Beria: Yes, and now I'm releasing them. And you won't believe how many will be free.

Maria Veniaminovna Yudina: But I'm confident of everlasting life.
Nikita Khrushchev: Who the fuck in their right mind would want everlasting life?!

Field Marshal Zhukov: Who?
Nikita Khrushchev: Beria.
Field Marshal Zhukov: I'm gonna have to report this conversation. Threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of... Look at your fucking face! Nikita Khrushchev. You balls like Kremlin domes.

Georgy Malenkov: If you could do me a favor and just nod as I'm speaking. People are looking to me for reassurance and I have no idea what is going on.

Nikita Khrushchev: ".... You are accused of treason and anti-Soviet behavior. The court finds you guilty and sentences you to be shot."

Nikita Khrushchev: I will bury you in history! You hear me, you fat fucker?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Σ xaxam: «...очень симпатичный постмодернистский стёб в духе тарантиновского "Криминального чтива" над кремлёвскими упырями, чёрная комедия (с минимумом кетчупа). За исключением дуэта Берия-Хрущёв остальные персонажи строжайше выдержаны в традициях commedia dell'arte, совершенно ходульные маски, как и положено персонажам комикса. Но их рекомбинации в качестве заднего плана получаются очень смешными, эдакие интермедии. Это всё может заценить даже человек, не знавший до этого ни одного имени между Сталиным и Хрущёвым.

Отдельный бонус получат те, кто жил в СССР, изучал Историю КПСС и помнит анекдоты советских времён. В кадре звучит приказ "Хрусталёв, машину!", в ответ на пожелание Берии советскому народу "хлеба и мирного неба" Анастас Микоян хихикает, что сосиски - лучше... Можно устроить квиз, кто больше таких жемчужинок заметил. У сценаристов были отличные консультанты
из наших.

Смотрится с удовольствием и на одном чейн-стоксовом дыхании.

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