22 апр. 2018 г.

Vengeance Is Mine

Outlander 2×11

Charles Stuart: It is intolerable! I'd rather be run through by a British bayonet and have my body buried in an unmarked grave than turn back after we have come this far! But I see now that I am betrayed by both friends and allies. You do what you must, but may God damn you to hell for it.

Claire: Here, hold this. I'll get you a black eye patch. You'll be like a proper pirate.
Rupert: Pirates have eye patches?
Claire: And peg legs and a parrot.
Rupert: What in the name of the wee man are you heaving about?
Claire: Mm, oh, never mind.

Murtagh: I kept my word. I lay your vengeance at your feet.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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