1 апр. 2018 г.

Untimely Resurrection

Outlander 2×5

Jamie: Well, when are we to expect this shipment?
Prince Charles Edward Stuart: Do not plague me with workmen's concerns.

Jack Randall: I have come here to ask His Grace to reconsider his position.
King Louis: Perhaps you should beg.
Jack Randall: Uh, beg, Your Majesty?
King Louis: Yes. On your knees. To ask such a favor of a man like the duke would not be possible. To beg him, however, that is a different matter... On your knees... .... Not now. You English are so... literal.

King Louis: The king gives you leave to rise... It would be a shame to stain such pretty britches.

Jamie: I-I can stand a lot, more than most. I've proven as much. But must I bear everyone's weakness? May I not have my own?

Jamie: I'm a man of honor. I pay my debts.

Jamie: A year... Not one day more. Do not... touch me.

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