3 апр. 2018 г.

The Reluctant Taxidermist

Sneaky Pete 2×7

Luka Delchev: Wait, wait, wait... You put $11 million inside fucking buffalo?

Frank: How about you, Fake Pete? Do you have a vision?

Marius: At some point, we're gonna have to open up a buffalo.

Marius: Look, this is not just about the money or the job. It's about revenge.

Otto: Kid's gonna kill someone.
Sam: Yeah, well, maybe whoever it is deserves it. You ever think about that?

Valerie: You a good mother?
Julia: Depends, uh, what day it is and who you ask, but, um... we do the best.

Julia: Look, the good outweighs the bad. You'll never love anyone the way you love them, so... don't sweat the small stuff. And be prepared, because everyone thinks they know how to raise your kids better than you do.

Colin: Come on, man. It's no fun disposing of a body.

Valerie: Well, what... what am I supposed to do when the light goes off?
Maggie: I don't know. You had a yoga studio. Shavasana?

Roby: I think the road to hell is paved with a million small bad choices. People still think that if they can find the one wrong decision that's responsible for all their bad luck...

Marius: Listen... listen, we all want the money, right?

Marius: If David Copperfield can make the Statue of Liberty disappear, we can vanish a buffalo from a casino.

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