4 апр. 2018 г.

Best Laid Schemes...

Outlander 2×6

Monsieur Forez: Make no mistake, Madame Fraser. To choke a man to death at the end of a rope, anyone can do this. But to properly execute the sentence of drawing and quartering... that requires great skill indeed.
Claire: I imagine so.
Monsieur Forez: First, the man or woman... must be hanged... but with judgment, so that the neck is not broken. As death approaches, you must reach inside the cavity and grasp the heart. The main difficulty lies in severing the large vessels above quickly... so that the organ may be pulled forth... while still beating. You wish to please the crowd. As for the rest... mere butchery. Once life is extinct... there is no further need for skill.
Claire: No, I suppose not.

Master Raymond: Don't worry, no matter how often one removes weeds, they have a habit of reappearing. We will meet again, Madonna, in this life or another.

Murtagh: Masquerades and games. What's next? A rousing game of charades?

Murtagh: If you believe yer wife to be... a witch... then who am I to contradict ye?... But you shoulda trusted me with that knowledge from the beginning.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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