17 апр. 2018 г.

Justice League

Boy: How many people that you saved... Have you saved?
Superman: I...
Boy: Never mind. Does your thing really stand for hope?
Superman: Yes. It does.
Boy: But it looks like an "S."

Diana Prince: We're asking people we don't know to risk their lives.
Bruce Wayne: I know. That's how this works.

Bruce Wayne: I know you have abilities. I just don't know what they are.
Barry Allen: My special skills include viola, web design, fluent in sign language... Gorilla sign language.
Bruce Wayne: Silica-based quartz sand fabric, abrasion resistant, heat resistant...
Barry Allen: Yeah, I do competitive ice dancing.
Bruce Wayne: It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on reentry.
Barry Allen: I do very competitive ice dancing.

Barry Allen: People are difficult. They require a lot of focus. They, uh... They have, like, a rhythm that I haven't quite been able to... Like brunch! Like, what is brunch? You wait in line for an hour for, essentially, lunch. I mean... I don't know. People are a little slow.
Bruce Wayne: I'll try to keep up.

Bruce Wayne: ... I'll tell you on the plane.
Barry Allen: The plane? What are your superpowers again?
Bruce Wayne: I'm rich.

The Flash: Here's the thing. Um... See, I'm afraid of bugs and, um, guns, and obnoxiously tall people. And murder. And I can't be here. It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but, full transparency, I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away.
Batman: Save one.
The Flash: What?
Batman: Save one person.
The Flash: Uh... Which one?
Batman: Don't talk, don't fight. Get in, get one out.
The Flash: And then?
Batman: You'll know.

Batman: Sorry, guys. I didn't bring a sword.

Diana Prince: Superman is dead. We all wish he weren't.
Bruce Wayne: We don't know what state he's in. We know we can't bring him back. But this is science beyond our limits. And that's what science is for. To do what's never been done. To make life better.
Diana Prince: Or to end it. Technology is like any other power. Without reason, without heart, it destroys us.

Victor Stone: ...I was running the numbers while you were being an asshole, and there is a high probability that we can bring him back.
Barry Allen: Right, right. But we mean bring him back in like a, "Yay, he's back!" way, not in like a Pet Cemetery scenario.

Wonder Woman: He's confused. He doesn't know who he is.
The Flash: Pet Cemetery.

Diana Prince: You were pushing me to lead the team. But leaders get people killed. I fought always when I was needed. But to lead, to step into the light and to say to people, "This is worth your life." When it's your fault, they're all Steve Trevor.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ nostradamvs: «Как и Marvel, DC Comics пытается впрячь всех своих героев в одни и те же сани. И вот они все – Бэтмен, Аквамен, Чудо-женщина и другие – мучительно криво пытаются собраться в паззл, но получается у них плохо. А Супермен-то умер. И герои 1,5 часа думают, что же делать с грядущим апокалипсисом, а потом вдруг говорят: ой, бля, а давайте оживим Супермена. И оживляют. Почему этого нельзя было сделать в первых 30 секундах фильма… ну, фильма бы не было.»

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