Fear the Walking Dead 3×3
& Jeremiah: ’ ... My name is Jeremiah Otto. And this is the end of the world as we know it. The only way to protect your family... is to be prepared... The best way to ready yourself is with my four-part video series, How to survive Teotwawki: The end of the world as we know it.’
& Jeremiah: ’ ... So if you call now to get my tapes, I would provide... in this survival start... which includes iodine pills, a hatchet, a compass, and a pocket constitution. All of this now, at no an extra cost. So don’t be a pollyanna. If you’re gonna plan for a future...
— Plan for a better one!’
& Gretchen: Christ Rizen is our band. That’s Terry and Gabe. You’ll meet Geoff if you come...
Alicia: We’re Jewish.
Gretchen: Cool. We’ll do old testament.
& Jeremiah: You a hard woman to like, Madison?
& Nick: You want to stay?
Alicia: No. But I’ve seen what it’s like out there, and it’s all just different circles of hell. Why not this one?
& Alicia: Bad time to form a conscience.
& Jeremiah: It’s funny, where we start and where we end up.
& Alicia: Sometimes you have to handle your own shit.
& Gretchen: Geoff wants to know What bad stuff have you done... out there?
Alicia: I killed a man.
Gretchen: How did it feel?
Alicia: .... Easy.
& Jake: Turning water into wine?
Alicia: Praise Jesus.
On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack
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