22 июл. 2017 г.

House of Cards 5×4

Chapter 56

& Seth: Better not let them see the name on your credentials. Those folks out there love their president.
    Hammerschmidt: I love pound cake. Doesn’t mean it’s good for me.

& Underwood: Situation is still unfolding.
    Durant: On Election Day?..

& Durant: Francis... it’s been quite a journey working with you.

& Yates: Victory. This is for when you win... I wrote a concession speech as well.

& Hammerschmidt: How many scandals... should the public be expected to endure before they say, «Enough»? Before they say, «I’m staying home»? Before they lose complete faith in this democratic republic? This is a trend that dates back at least... to when Nixon avoided jail time.

& Claire: Do you realize we have every intention of winning today?
    Yates: Sure. But then what?

& Underwood: I just wanted to look in your eyes one more time before we do this.
    Claire: Francis... we’re doing this.

& Claire: He can’t save us. He invented term limits.

& Underwood: I wanted to be the first to tell you congratulations, Mr. President-elect.
    Conway: Well, thank you, Mr. President.
    Underwood: ’Oh, what? You think I learned nothing from Al Gore?’

& Underwood: The American people don’t know what’s best for them. I do. I know exactly what they need. They’re like little children, Claire. Children we never had. We have to hold their sticky fingers and wipe their filthy mouths. Teach them right from wrong. Tell them what to think and how to feel and what to want. They even need help writing their wildest dreams, crafting their worst fears. Lucky for them... they have me... they have you.
Underwood. Underwood. 2016. 2020. 2024. 2028. 2032. 2036. One nation... Underwood.

& Claire: Doug, LeAnn... do you have a moment?

+ Quotes from the IMDb

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