14 июл. 2017 г.

House of Cards 5×2

Chapter 54

& Underwood: Do you think this really works?
    Claire: Oh, it’s just about making the candidate seem familiar, so that the voter sees herself in him.

& Doug: Do we have anything on the committee members?
    Walter: Nothing too juicy yet, I’m afraid.

& Doug: Is it enough to scare her?
    Walter: Embarrass her, probably. More than that, probably not.

& Underwood: Fear is un-American. And yes, the irony of saying those words to you on Halloween, of all days, is not lost on me. But although we may choose, as Americans, to scare ourselves once a year for fun... no one else tells any American when to shake in their boots at any other time.
So I am issuing an executive order, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and commander in chief of the armed forces. By our Constitution and the laws of our land, including Section Blah-Blah of the Blah-Blah Act and Section Blah-Blah of Title Blah-Blah, Paragraph Bullshit-Bullshit.

& Underwood: In case you have no idea what’s going on, I’m swelling these states’ National Guard troops to create secure public spaces on Election Day.

& Claire: You know, Ken, the older I get, I learn that assumptions are dangerous...

& Doug: This isn’t about party affiliation. As the president said, this is about security. Now, we believe this course of action, the voting centers with the added law enforcement, will give us everything that we need to protect the integrity of the ballot box.

& Doug: Preventing further acts of terrorism is just about all that matters, Tanya.

& Matthews: What do you think?
    Underwood: Oh, I can’t tell you what to do, Jim. But I can say, as one ex-VP to another, that this cleanup in Pennsylvania is gonna be worth about $300 million and 10,000 jobs. And that’s not bad for an afternoon’s work.

& Underwood: We’re a week away from the election, Mr. Macallan. Cover your tracks.
    Macallan: Okay. In which case, I need to let hackers temporarily invade a Capital East Telecom switching center.
    Underwood: Meaning what?
    Macallan: Well, the center covers most of the US government cyber traffic. But if I’m in and out in 20 minutes, I think the damage will look mischief-level. Messed-up connections, that sort of thing.

& Macallan: All right. Well, I’ll start it at 4:00 p.m. Uh, as soon as I’m done, I’ll anonymously send out a fix to the problem.
    Underwood: No.
    Macallan: Sir?
    Underwood: LeAnn will contact you about when to send out the fix. You’ll wait for her.

& Claire: Why didn’t you call him back? ....you can’t ignore loose ends like that. You owed him your ear.
    Underwood: Well, I didn’t realize it was gonna become so personal. I am the President of the United States, for Christ’s sake! I’m a bit busy.
    Claire: The past doesn’t disappear on command, Francis. Not even for presidents.

& Underwood: And listen. Something else is about to happen...

& Claire: Careful is far too small a word for what we need to be.

& Yates: What’s my role? What am I to you, anyway? Or you, to me? I mean, are you my girlfriend? And when you win... does that make me, like, First Boyfriend? First Concubine?

& Underwood: The first question to ask yourself... «Is the damper open?»...

& Underwood: If a man is not smart enough to be able to use whatever is in front of him and still make it work... well, then... that’s just a failure of the imagination.

& Underwood: And, finally, you strike your match... you ignite your kindling... and then you blow.

+ Quotes from the IMDb

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