25 апр. 2016 г.

We Are Your Friends

& Mason: You know, your body is 85% water and I’m thirsty. I’m thirsty.

& Cole: This painting is alive.
    James: Nah. It’s just the PCP talking.
    Cole: PCP?

& Cole: So it’s the DJ’s job to get the crowd out of their heads and into their bodies. So in order to do that, you need at the very least... a cursory knowledge of mathematics and the broad strokes of 9th-grade biology. For example, the bassline controls this region of the body right here. The most important region.
        There’s always going to be resistance, so you gotta be patient. Look for that one person who’s not afraid to just go for it.
Next, you want to zero in on their heartbeats. I like start them off at about 120 beats per minute. That’s equivalent to the heartbeat of a long-distance runner. You see, BPM is the name of the game.
        About 60 BPM. Dubstep is actually 140 BPMs cut to half-speed, it ends up being about 70 BPMs. House is around 110 to 130 BPMs. I’m not sure how you dance to that. Once you’ve locked onto their heartrate, you start bringing ’em up song by song.
        There’s a popular myth that 128 beats per minute is the rate that synergises most with your heartbeat. That’s the magic number. Once you’ve gotten your crowd there, you’re controlling their entire circulatory system.

& James: «Imitation is suicide.» Emerson said that.

& James: Music. Sounds have soul. Build them from scratch. Find new ones. Get your head out of that laptop and start listening to what the real fucking world is trying to tell you. That’s your problem. You don’t listen.

& Cole: It’s like no one thinks they’re a bad person. I don’t think I’m a good one.

& James: You’re not a real man until you’re 27.

& Squirrel: Are we ever gonna be better than this?

& Cole: These days you can invent an app, start a blog, sell shit online. But if you’re a DJ, you’re gonna need to start with one track. And if it’s real enough and honest enough, and if it’s made of everything that’s made you, where you come from, who you knew, your history, then you may have a chance at connecting with everyone else. And maybe that’s your ticket... to everything.

& Squirrel: This is the best part. The best part of anything, really. It’s the moment before it starts.

+ quotes on the IMDb

+ Music from We Are Your Friends (2015).

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