25 янв. 2016 г.

Billions 1×1


& Chuck: Bobby fucking Axelrod. Man of the people.

& Danzig: Wow. That’s a good catch, Axe.
    Axelrod: My cholesterol’s high enough. Don’t butter my ass, Danzig. Just get smarter.

& Chuck: We’ve got to be playing three-dimensional chess. ... A good matador doesn’t try to kill a fresh bull. You wait until he’s been stuck a few times. We need an opening, however small. Then we get the guy the moment that he’s gettable, just like the others. But not if there’s a chance we lose.

& Chuck: How was school? What’d you get up to?
    Kev: It was boring.
    Chuck: Boring. Fantastic. Money well spent.

& Axelrod: You can’t fall for that every time, Dean. See, he knows his customer, and he sets you up. He’s willing to look foolish short-term to win long-term. You got to remember that. And, Gordie... don’t sucker your brother.

& Chuck: My father always told me that «mercy» was a word that pussies used when they couldn’t take the pain... I love you, Dad. But if you walk into my office and try to use your influence again... you are gonna walk out of here in handcuffs.

& Orrin Bach: There’s nothing there.
    Bryan: Like Warren Buffett says, you put a police car on anyone’s tail for 500 miles, he’s gonna get a ticket.

& Wendy: That’s good. Back when we started, you wouldn’t have been able to recognize the motivation until long after you bought it.
    Axelrod: Well, back when we started, I was just rich, not super-rich.

& Axelrod: You know, being a billionaire... I never get to talk about this with anyone ’cause who’s gonna give a shit? But being a billionaire, when you walk into a room, it’s like being a woman with a perfect set of tits. Or great legs. Or eyes like yours. You know exactly what everyone’s looking at, and you know exactly what they want.

& Chuck: I passed word that, uh, he shouldn’t buy it. If he’s innocent, he passes, because he’s a disciplined player and he knows that’s the disciplined move. But a guilty man, he buys that house to show me he’s got nothing to hide.
    Mr. Rhoades: Smart...

& Axelrod: ... He’s cooperating.
    Hall: How the hell did you know?
    Axelrod: He was making too much eye contact. Barely blinked. And his pulse was hammering like he was running a marathon.

& Hall: ... remember, you don’t have to outswim the shark. You just have to outswim the guy you’re scuba diving with.

& Dimonda: Give me some insight into how you process information.
    Axelrod: The press acts like information’s a dirty word. Everyone has access to the information. We just know how to analyze it better.

& Axelrod: You answer me one. When did it become a crime to succeed in this country? America used to salute the guy in the limousine. They wanted to be the guy in the limousine. They still want to. But now they throw eggs at it.

& Chuck: Walk away.
    Axelrod: I should. But then again, what’s the point of having «fuck you» money if you never say «fuck you»?

& Chuck: You’re a smart man. So you know when I bring an action, not some county or even state, it’s the United States versus. Don’t give me a reason.

On the IMDb

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