8 дек. 2015 г.


& Mr. Washington: She thinks she’s being clever, but I’ve seen this in far too many movies...

& Mr. Washington: Try under the bed... Well, that was subtle. Where’s your sense of fucking finesse, huh? Get out, dunkoff.

& Mr. Washington: Do you care for a game?
    Alex: Go fuck yourself.
    Mr. Washington: Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of elegant repartee.

& Mr. Washington: Oh, couple more like that and your leg is going to be two dimensional.
Which is one more dimension than your personality will ever achieve.

& Mr. Washington: You know, you... you might want to rethink the whole chess thing. It’s good for people in our line of work. This situation here, that’s what we call check.

& Alex: Queen to bishop five. Check mate.

& Senator: We are going to engineer an event that shapes the destiny of our country. In just a few months time, the north side of Chicago is going to make 9/11 look like Macy’s Parade. And you’ll get your war and I’ll get my office. It’s time we took this country back the apathetic lemmings and sycophantic dilettantes that have run it into the ground. Turned the US into a fucking punch line.

On the IMDb

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