3 мая 2014 г.

Metro Manila

& Mia: Sometimes... the only thing left to hold is the blade of a knife. But in God we trust.

& Oscar: There are not many robberies?
    Ong: Of course there are many. Especially during elections.
    Oscar: Why in the elections?
    Ong: Winning an election comes with a hefty campaign bill, my friend. They only win when they spend lots of money. Not all the politicians have cousins that win the Lotto...

& Ong: Have you noticed how many do have cousins that win the Lotto? Do you know anyone who wins the Lotto? No? You have more chance of seeing an alien than winning the Lotto. But do we care? Of course not! Queing for Lotto tickets... Everyday, week after week. The truth is, winning is not a reality. But the hope of winning... Hope is all people really need. But to actually win... That’s impossible.

& Ong: If you’re going down... Go down swinging.

& Ong: “Later” is never guaranteed.

On the IMDb

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