22 мар. 2019 г.

Fleabag #2.3

Fleabag: What's his name?.. What's his name?...
Claire: Klare.
Fleabag: What?
Claire: His name is Klare. Don't!

Belinda Friers: I'm trained in martial arts. It's just the basics, but it is enough.
Fleabag: I work at Harbots—
Belinda Friers: Hurbots.

Fleabag: I need to take your award back.
Belinda Friers: Why?
Fleabag: It's a stolen piece of art. It's not really an award. It's all my fault. I can explain.

Belinda Friers: Do you like old films?
Fleabag: Some.
Belinda Friers: And what's your favourite period film?
Fleabag: .... Carrie.

Fleabag: How old are you?
Belinda Friers: 58. And you?
Fleabag: 33.
Belinda Friers: Oh. Don't worry. It does get better.

Belinda Friers: Women are born with pain built in. It's our physical destiny. Period pains, sore boobs, childbirth, you know... We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives. Men don't. They have to seek it out. They invent all these gods and demons and things just so they can feel guilty about things, which is something we also do very well on our own. And then they create wars, so they can feel things and touch each other, and when there aren't any wars they can play rugby. And we have it all going on in here, inside.

Belinda Friers: Listen. People are all we've got. People are all we've got. So grab the night by its nipples and go and flirt with someone.

Fleabag: 33 isn't exactly...
Belinda Friers: And what had Jesus done by 33?
Fleabag: Died?
Belinda Friers: Exactly! So get out there and flirt.

Fleabag: Do you think I should become a Catholic?
The Priest: Oh, no. Don't do that. I like that you believe in a meaningless existence.

The Priest: Celibacy is a lot less complicated than... romantic relationships.
Fleabag: What if you meet someone you like?
The Priest: I talk and drink and laugh and give them Bibles, and hope they eventually leave me alone.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack!

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