29 мар. 2018 г.

The Key

The Walking Dead 8×12

Simon: Today is about scaring these people. We're not going for head shots, just flesh wounds. Hit a few, leave 'em livin', let 'em turn. But don't kill 'em.

Negan: You look beautiful, baby.

Negan: Hey, prick. You are out of bullets.

Georgie: My name is Georgie, and these are my friends, Hilda and Midge. And you are?... Suspicious.

Michonne: You're trading knowledge.
Georgie: That's what I have.

Georgie: If, perhaps, people can believe in people again, four crates of goods is worth far less than a sustainable future and perhaps an exercise in trust... I know... "trust" probably sounds like a made-up word now, like flibberschticky.
Hilda: Or klompf.
Midge: Or moisture.

Rick: You still alive?
Negan: I'm a goddamn cat.

Negan: ...But you, you got to come work for me. Janitorial to start... not bad at all. Your people, they get to live like 75% kings! Now, that is an epic freakin' Christmas-Hanukah-Kwanzaa gift all rolled up into one, considering what a thorn in my ass cheek you've all been.

Simon: You must've thought about it, clipping him yourself...
Dwight: You mean when he took my wife? Or burned my face? No. Never thought about that. Not once.

Dwight: Just move on?
Simon: Just move on.

Simon: Just 'cause he walked away doesn't mean he's breathing.

Simon: This is a critical point in our history, Dwight. This is something we could tell our grandkids about.

Rick: I'll make you a deal. I'll let you kiss her goodbye.

Georgie: Here... is the aforementioned key to a future. Inside, there are handwritten plans for windmills, watermills, silos, hand-drawn schematics, guides to refining grain, creating lumber, aqueducts... a book of medieval human achievement so we may have a future from our past.

Enid: I killed her, and I'm alive, and Carl saved someone, and he's dead.

Simon: Don't matter if the big man ain't here. We're still Negan.

Simon: ...there's only one thing left for us to do. We must expunge them. We must redact them! They are a mistake that we shall now erase. We are moving on... For Negan!

Negan: Well, shit.

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