14 мар. 2018 г.


Voice of Science: Humans must take care in teaching A.I. or one day, we will be the ones deleted.

Mulder: Blob fish.

Mulder: Play Prince, "Controversy."
Guidance System: I found a faster route.
Mulder: Well, good for you. Just play Prince, "Controversy." ... Oh, how do you get "Teach Your Children" from "Controversy"? That's not even... it doesn't even... it-it's... doesn't even sound like it.

Guidance System: You have arrived at your final destination.
Mulder: You suck, Mr. Phone. We're going old school.

Mulder: Hey, kid, fly this thing out of my face or you'll end up with nothing in your hand but a joystick.

Mulder: Why is your house so much nicer than mine?

Mulder: We have to be better teachers.

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