1 мар. 2018 г.

Exciting and New

Transparent 3×10

Trevor: Shel, let me ask you this. When was the last time you took some "you" time?
Shelly: Is that the same as "me" time?

Maura: Done with this farshtinkener phone.

Ali: Who the fuck is Trevor?
Shelly: Trevor is the gay who comes with the room.
Ali: Wow. I didn't get a gay with my room. Did you get a gay with your room?

Ali: Well, let's... let's say a prayer. Can I?
Maura: Do it.
Ali: This is your butt?
Maura: This was my butt. ....
Ali: Face the ocean and raise your arms. Great Mystery, Goddess, let us mark this moment to say goodbye to these tight, terrible Spanx!
Maura: Goodbye, tight, terrible Spanx!
Ali: Deliver us from feeling... bunched up in the ass!
Maura: Dayenu!
Ali: And restricted and confined! Let us just be!
Maura: Set us free!
Ali: Set us...

Ali: 3, 9, 18, 36. I promise they'll win. Please? ..... We're going to bet them all. .... I'm going to start with 3 because you just wrecked the binary and three 3's is 9, and you double that and have 18, and two 18's is 36. 36. All right, here we go.
Croupier: .... 22 black. 22 black.
Ali: What do you mean, that's it? We don't get another spin?

Sarah: Wow, you really get the bitterness of being a slave on that one.

Maura: I was on the deck of this ship, and I was looking out at the vastness of the ocean, and it was overwhelming, so what I did to steady myself was I imagined a point way, way out there, and I imagined how deep it would go, and of course it would go on forever. And then I just sort of get the vastness of the ocean... I mean, of all oceans, and... in that moment I can understand my pain... and the size of my fear. My actual self is so... tied up with it. With shame.

Shelly: I am on a completely different level. I get a poached egg on demand.

Shelly: ...So if you want to hear my story, my story wants to be heard by you.

♪ What it all boils down to ♪
♪ My friends ♪
♪ Is that everything's just ♪
♪ Fine, fine, fine ♪
♪ 'Cause I got one hand in my pocket ♪
♪ And the other one is hailin' a taxicab ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

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