5 мар. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 3×2

Episode #3.2

Nutley: So, what is it you want from a simple working man?
Tommy: Fear.

Nutley: I know what you do. Tell me what you want.

Nutley: I'm only doing this for the safety of my family!...

Hughes: Mr Shelby, you will learn that these men are far too grand for the clock to govern them.

Hughes: Mr Shelby, if I want to play the squire in your place of false charity then I will. Ambition for respectability doesn't make you a saint. Am I wrong?

Romanov: And how many times I asked you to tell them about sending us the servants' crockery?... And what about the yesterday egg? And last year's fish? And last century's tea leaves in a cracked pot?

Arthur: You asked for a meeting out in the open. Fresh air and the fine aroma of shit... "Neutral ground," you said.

Tommy: Hello, Ada!
Ada: Tommy Shelby in a library...
Tommy: I'm here to borrow a book about the Russian Revolution.

Ada: Well, this is a list of the bastards who ran away. And this is written from the point of view of the people's struggle.

Tommy: Well, sometimes exiled Russian aristocrats get invited to social occasions to add a bit of class.

Tommy: You want all the details because you're bored, Ada... You used to chase rats with a revolver, Ada. I might just have a job for you after all.

Polly: We own the city. But we don't need to rub everybody's noses in it.

Butler: Here is a menu. I recommend the teal and the pork. Although your guest, I'm sure, will order the caviar...

Grand Duke Leon: They said the British had taken pity on us. And we were taken aboard HMS Marlborough. I immediately kissed the steel deck. My lips froze to it. And then of course, I thanked God and your King for saving us. Though since then he has done nothing but humiliate me...
Tommy: Who? God or the King?
Grand Duke Leon: Sometimes both, Mr Shelby.

Grand Duke Leon: Tatiana. Are you in love with her yet? Hm? You would be wise not to love Russian woman, you know. Better not speak of Russian women.

Grand Duke Leon: Before the revolution began, we were soft and weak. We made compromise. But let me tell you... We will never be soft and weak again.

Tommy: Arthur told you to apologise. Polly told you to compromise. You chose not to listen to Mr Apologise or Mrs Compromise.

Tommy: If you apologise once, you do it again and again and again. Like taking bricks out of the wall of your fucking house. Do you want to bring the house down, Arthur?... If you're soft on rebellion, it'll grow.

Polly: Why?
Tommy: Why? Because we fucking can! Because we fucking can, and if we can, we do. And if we lift our heel off their necks now, they'll just come at us.

Grace: You don't write letters of a social occasion on a typewriter.

Grace: Don't you think it is a bit much for a charity dinner?
Tommy: Grace, this is fucking Birmingham. Good taste is for people who can't afford sapphires.

Tommy: I can charm dogs. Gypsy witchcraft. And those I can't charm I can kill with my own hands.

Ada: You're not one of those impressionists, are you?
Oliver: They are all terribly political, aren't they?
Ada: And you're not?
Oliver: Goodness, no. The people I work for just want me to paint what's there. To me, politics is deliberately making things better for some people by deliberately making them worse for others.

Polly: A woman of substance... and class.

Jarvis: Rather fun getting the communist unions to help get weapons to the Whites...

Tommy: You know, gentlemen, there is hell... and there is another place below hell. I will remember everything... and forget nothing.

Tommy: Tomorrow is a mistake.
Tatiana: Have you not heard? We have no morals, we Russians.
Tommy: And no fucking sense.
Tatiana: And no options. I would fuck you for the cause. What do you think of that?
Tommy: I think you should not drink vodka with champagne.

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