17 мар. 2018 г.

One Eight Seven

Trevor Garfield: That says 187. That's the police code for homicide.

Walter: You know what your problem is? On the one hand, you think someone's trying to kill you. On the other hand, you believe kids are paying attention in your classes.

Trevor Garfield: If you're listening, God... please help me today. Please give me a chance to do my job... which you put me here to do in the first place... God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change... the courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference. It's me, Trevor, God. Amen.

Trevor Garfield: There's this passage in God's Lonely Man... by Thomas Wolfe where he says: "The whole conviction of my life rests upon the belief... that loneliness is the central... and inevitable fact of human existence."
Ellen Henry: That's really depressing, Trevor.
Trevor Garfield: It's just my New York upbringing.

Trevor Garfield: Stop blaming everybody else. You're too smart for that.

Trevor Garfield: At some point, people have to take responsibility for their actions.

Trevor Garfield: They want what they want when they want it. And we can't expect the system to protect us. ... Like you, I used to think the world was this great place... where everybody lived by the same standard I did. Then some kid with a nail... showed me I was living in his world. A world where chaos rules, not order. A world where righteousness is not rewarded. That's Cesar's world. And if you're not willing to play by his rules... then you're gonna have to pay the price.

Dave Childress: Don't tell me you never wanted to blow one of these bastards away.

Trevor Garfield: That macho enough for you, Cesar?

Cesar: You disrespecting me? You saying I ain't a man?
Trevor Garfield: I'm saying you're a fool.

Trevor Garfield: The only thing you respect is stupidity. You willing to die for stupidity?.. See, I am, if it'll teach you something!

Trevor Garfield: Your whole way of life is bullshit! Macho is bullshit!!
Cesar: It's all I got!
Trevor Garfield: So now you're the victim?

Cesar: I got one in six chances. I'm gonna beat this bitch.

Barsek: Why'd you do that, man? What's the fucking point?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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