22 авг. 2017 г.

The Spoils of War

Game of Thrones 7×4

Jeime: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, formerly of... whatever nameless shit heap you’re from with a saddlebag full of gold, complaining about not getting paid...

Nestoris: Rest assured, Your Grace, you can count on the Iron Bank’s support—
Cersei: Hmm.
Nestoris: As soon as the gold arrives.

Lord Baelish: I imagine you’ve seen things most men wouldn’t believe. To go through all of that and make your way home again only to find such chaos in the world, I can only imagine—
Brandon: Chaos is a ladder.

Meera: Bran...
Brandon: I’m not, really. Not anymore. I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark, but I remember so much else now...

Arya: Tell Sansa her sister’s home.

Brandon: Cersei’s on her list of names.
Sansa: Who else is on your list?
Arya: Most of them are dead already.

Podrick: Catelyn Stark would be proud. You kept your vow.
Brienne: I did next to nothing.
Podrick: You’re too hard on yourself, my lady.
Brienne: I’m not a... Thank you, Podrick.

Jon Snow: They were here together, the Children and the First Men.
Daenerys: Doing what? Fighting each other?
Jon Snow: They fought together against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions. Together. We need to do the same if we’re going to survive. Because the enemy is real. It’s always been real.

Daenerys: I will fight for you. I will fight for the North... When you bend the knee.

Tyrion: We took Casterly Rock...
Daenerys: That’s very good to hear..... Isn’t it?

Daenerys: Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons...

Jon Snow: The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen. Maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. Build a world that’s different from the shit one they’ve always known. But if you use them to melt castles and burn cities... you’re not different. You’re just more of the same.

Brienne: Don’t lunge... Don’t go where your enemy leads you... Up. And don’t—
Arya: Don’t fight someone like her in the first place.

Brienne: You can’t use that, my lady. It’s too small.
Arya: I won’t cut you. Don’t worry.

Brienne: Who taught you how to do that?
Arya: No one.

Missandei: Ser Davos, Lord Snow.
Ser Davos: King Snow, isn’t it? No, that doesn’t sound right. King Jon?
Jon Snow: It doesn’t matter.

Missandei: We don’t have marriage in Naath, so the concept of a bastard doesn’t exist.
Ser Davos: That sounds... liberating.

Missandei: She’s not our queen because she’s the daughter of some king we never knew. She’s the queen we chose.
Ser Davos: Will you forgive me if I switch sides?

Dickon: I didn’t expect it to smell like that.
Bronn: Men shit themselves when they die. Didn’t they teach you that at fancy lad school?

Daenerys: Dracarys!

Tyrion: Flee, you idiot!

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