11 сент. 2015 г.

True Story

& Pat Frato: I’m not sure Christian Longo deserves to have his story heard.
    Michael Finkel: Everybody deserves to have their story heard.

& Michael Finkel: It’s not easy to relate to someone accused of four murders, but everybody understands a child needing a toy.

& Michael Finkel: «When I lost my position at the realtor’s, Mary Jane thought I’d tried to get fired, but I never said it was a job I didn’t want.» So that’s a double negative, «never said I didn’t want.» It’s weak, a double negative. In good journalism, we would write, «It was a job I wanted.»
    Christian Longo: I get it. Two negatives don’t make a positive.

& Christian Longo: Sometimes the truth isn’t believable. That doesn’t mean that it’s not true.

& Jill: Can I play you something?.. «Se la mia morte brami.» «If you crave my death.» Carlo Gesualdo wrote it in 1611, a few years after killing his wife and newborn son...

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