2 сент. 2015 г.


Hell on Wheels 5×4

& Mary Fields: I’ve got money, if that’s the holdup. Show him the money, Sam.
    Shea: Me thinks you best be on your way, miss. Assuming that’s the appropriate way to refer to you.

& Mary Fields: All right, then. One punch. One dollar.

& Chang: The strength of your workforce derives from the integrity of your workers, Mr. Bohannon. You must show them the respect they deserve.

& Sam: Our progress on the C.P. has sped up since Bohannon took over the work.
    Durant: That fustilarian backstabber!

& Durant: I will not lose this race because you cannot be trusted to handle a bunch of Irish pissants.
    Delaney: They hit me in the mouth!..
    Durant: The only thing worse than a weak-backed leader... is a shit-brained engineer.

& Shea: My name is Johnny Shea, and I’m your new foreman. This is what happens if you screw off on my watch. Now, back to work!

& Tao: There may be another way. I can show you. ... In China, it’s a tradition for a man’s family to look after his grave. We provide our loved ones with food, money... Everything he might need in the afterlife. But, if there is no one to care for him, he wanders as a ngor gui. Hungry ghost... Forever.

& Tao: If living Chinese can’t have the same respect as white men, maybe the dead can... Honor the ones who gave their lives for your road, I think they will go back to work.

On the IMDb

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