11 сент. 2018 г.

Time Trap (2017)

Hopper: My grandfather used to tell me the future can give you anything you want. If you wait long enough, the future will create it. Maybe through technology or maybe just by making you not want it anymore. Either way, the answer's in the future.

Cara's Dad: Honey, treat a manual transmission like you would a relationship. You gotta give a little to get a little. Find the balance.

Cara: Counting on you, stud.
Furby: Counting on me for what?
Cara: Uh, I don't know, dude, it just sounded nicer than "Don't screw anything up".

Cara: We'll radio you at the bottom.
Furby: So, what is it? One chime for yes, two chimes for no, and three chimes for "I love you"?

Taylor: Whatever it is, it'll be okay.

Taylor: None of this was supposed to happen.
Cara: You went looking for someone who went missing while he was looking for someone else that went missing. What did you think would happen?

Jackie: Guys, this really is The Fountain of Youth.

Cara: Seriously? Each of those is a year, not a day?

Cara: Something's really, really wrong here.
Jackie: Something's really, really wrong down here, too.

On the IMDb

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