9 сент. 2018 г.


Sharp Objects 1×4

Adora: A little bit of sweet... before the bitter. It helps. Open... Then a bit more sweet and a day in bed... That's my prescription.

Beverly Van Lumm: Munchausen's By Proxy Syndrome, MBP. ... It's a mental illness... in adults. Munchausen's is when you hurt yourself to get attention. You make yourself sick, everyone's at your beck and call. Munchausen's By Proxy, on the other hand, is when you make someone else sick so you can care for them, so you can save them... or try... be seen trying.

Beverly Van Lumm: ...people have this. Mostly mothers. Mothers who need to be worshipped, to be heroes. Nothing more laudable than a woman who puts all her energy into her sick child.

Vickery: Something about the women around here. Yeah. They'll climb over anybody to get their name in print.

Camille: Did you kill 'em? 'Cause you... you never said you didn't.

Amma: You can never be as good as someone dead.

John: Laid... Drained... Cherry... Sick... Gone...
Camille: You're reading me.
John: Wrong... Falling... Wicked...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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