8 сент. 2018 г.

Rampage (2018)

Mission Control: Doctor, the test subject is a rat.
Dr. Atkins: Not anymore.

Nelson: Weird you like hanging out with animals more than people.
Davis Okoye: They get me. Animals like you, they lick you. They don't like you, they eat you. You always know where you stand. Or where you lie. All chewed up in their belly 'cause they ate you.

Harvey Russell: We may not be the brightest bulbs in the room, but we're doing all right.

Davis Okoye: Who do you work for?
Harvey Russell: Sir, I work for the American people.
Dr. Kate Caldwell: Homeland? CIA? Justice League?
Harvey Russell: I'm OGA.
Davis Okoye: I've heard that bullshit before. "Other Government Agency," huh? It's clever.

Davis Okoye: This is exactly what I didn't want to happen...

Davis Okoye: That's a big arm. Don't fight it.

Dr. Kate Caldwell: Davis, there's something big in the river.
Davis Okoye: Well, that sucks.

Davis Okoye: I'm never taking your call again.

Harvey Russell: Since when is complicity a crime?

Davis Okoye: Okay... We just need to get enough lift to stay on top of the building as it falls. You know, just like riding an avalanche.
Dr. Kate Caldwell: No, I don't know!

Davis Okoye: You mess with my friend, you mess with me, mother...!!

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Σ nostradamvs: «Дуэйн Джонсон в очередной раз играет свою обычную роль – могучего позитивного Индиану Джонса. На этот раз он биолог, дружит с обезьянами, и вот одна обезьяна получает случайно дозу космического мутагена. И начинает люто расти. А заодно с ней появляется гигантский волк и титанический крокодил. Дальше огромные животины крушат среднестатистический американский город, а Дуэйн Джонсон с прекрасной девушкой (доктором наук, ессно) бегает и пытается всех спасти. Снято весело, смотреть один раз – приятно.»

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