29 сент. 2018 г.

Beirut (2018)

Mason Skiles: If you wanna understand Lebanon, think of a boardinghouse without a landlord... The only thing the tenants have in common is their talent for betrayal. So these people have been living together, cheek by jowl, 20 centuries. 2,000 years of revenge, blood feuds, vendetta, murder.
    One night there's a storm. Raining like hell. There's a knock at the door. Who is it? It's the Palestinians. They want in. They've been up and down the block. They had doors slammed in their face. They're cold. They're tired. They want in and they want in now.
    So the house is thrown into confusion. Tenants arguing. Some of 'em violently opposed. Some think, "Let 'em in. They'll be gone tomorrow." Some think, "I let them in tonight, then I'll have an ally against my enemy." Some of 'em are terrified if they keep the door shut. So it isn't until after the Palestinians move in that the other people in the house realize the tragedy of the situation. That the Palestinians want nothing more than to just burn down the Israeli house next door... Welcome to Beirut.

Mason Skiles: As a diplomat in the Middle East, you have to think on your feet. And the more you do it, the better you get at it. When you talk about making deals, the most important thing is to keep talking. As soon as the talking stops, the fighting starts.

Mason Skiles: I wouldn't go back to Beirut if it was the last place on earth...

Mason Skiles: Who lit that fuse?
Bernard Teppler: Well, it's Beirut, Mr. Skiles. Depends who you ask. PLO says it's Amal militia. Amal militia says it's Christian militia. Christian militia says it's the Druze. Druze says it's the Syrian Army. Listen to the radio from Damascus, it's the Israelis making excuses to come across the border. Ask Israel... Ah, for them it's always the PLO.

Bernard Teppler: Welcome to the Green Line. This road divides East and West Beirut now. One of the civil war's charming new landmarks. Muslims to the West. Christians to the East. Not much room for the rest of us, but there you have it.

Mason Skiles: What is it you want me to do?
Gary Ruzak: You're an experienced negotiator. Negotiate.

Mason Skiles: This isn't really my thing, Gaines.
Donald Gaines: Sure it is. It's Texas Hold 'em. Two cards down, and everything else is on the table. Just play the reality. You're a confused 40-year-old widower in the middle of a long winter. You're pretending to give a lecture, but the truth is you don't really know what you're doing or why you came. Reality. Your name appears out of nowhere, and we get real nervous. Reality. We roll you up for a look, and you resent our interest. Reality.

Donald Gaines: You suddenly became really important. Is that a mistake?
Mason Skiles: I don't know. Reality.

Roni Niv: You know what I want, Gary.
Gary Ruzak: Say it.
Roni Niv: Make this the moment. Make Riley the breaking point. "US Embassy staff grabbed off the streets, kidnapped, killed. The monsters have taken over Lebanon. Something needs to be done." Give us the green light. We could clear this place out in a month.

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