12 февр. 2015 г.

We Can Always Just Overwhelm the Vagus Nerve with Another Sensation

House of Lies 4×4

& Clyde: So you didn’t even read it.
    Kelsey: No, I did not read it.
    Clyde: Because...?
    Kelsey: Because business plans are just pages and pages of pseudoscience with the actual predictive power of a random number generator. I know they’re necessary to draw in money people, because money people are stupid, but they’re total bullshit.

& Doug: Okay, say what you want, but he has got these people in the palm of his hands. And look at the way he commands their attention. It’s almost Hitleresque.

& Valerio: A little paternal advice: after you’ve chased everyone off, there’s no one else to blame if things go south.

& Marty: Fuck. Us.

& Jeannie: We somehow managed to pull that rabbit out of our ass.

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