6 февр. 2015 г.


Banshee 1×1

& Job: You’ve got the whole world in front of you and you’re going to the one place you absolutely should not go.

& Randall: Are we disturbing you?
    Lucas Hood: No, not at all. This is just a very good steak. And I know that once I stand up to deal with you fellas— well, maybe you’ll come quietly or maybe I’ll have to kill you— but either way, this steak is gonna get cold. And you can always reheat a steak, but it’s never quite the same.

& Lucas Hood: Am I dead?

& Lucas Hood: I hope my mother was right about God.

& Sugar: Jesus ripshit Christ. This is what you call in the Bible a «clusterfuck of epic proportions.»

& Sugar: You one of them complicated types. Is that it?
   ’Sheriff Hood’: Nah, some people just don’t know simple when they see it.

& Sugar: Now tell me you got some kind of master plan here.
    Sheriff Hood: Well, I usually just get by with my charm.

& Mayor Kendall: Siobhan, I was thinking maybe you could show the sheriff the town of Banshee.
    Siobhan: Oh, I’d love to, but I have to write up Charlie Sheen over here.

& Cole: Who the fuck are you?
    Sheriff Hood: Lucas Hood. I’m the new sheriff.

& Sheriff Hood: So, come on, Cole... fuck my shit up.

& Sheriff Hood: Mr. Proctor, what exactly do you do?
I’m in meats. Why don’t you stop by the slaughterhouse?.. I’ll set you up with some nice steaks.

& Sheriff Hood: I do solemnly swear... that I will support, protect, and defend... the Constitution and government of the United States... and of the State of Pennsylvania... that I have no knowledge of any circumstance... past or present... that would disqualify me from the assignment of this office... that I have neither given... nor will give any person any gratuity, gift, fee, or reward in consideration of support for this office... that I am duly qualified to hold office... under the Constitution of the state... and that I will well and faithfully perform... the duties of Banshee County Sheriff... the office of which I now enter... So help me God.

& Carrie: You just charged the man with racketeering. Now you’re at his party. Only in Banshee.

& Carrie: A sheriff? Are you kidding me?
    Sheriff Hood: They have a great health plan.

On the IMDb

Σ Very promissing.

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