Wilfred 3×13
“Maybe all one can do is hope to end up
with the right regrets.”
Arthur Miller
& Drew: Thanks for the devagification.with the right regrets.”
Arthur Miller
& Wilfred: You know my policy. If anything happened between you and Jenna, I’d be forced to bite your genitals. And by bite, you know I mean that thing where I kind of latch on and shake my head back and forth super fast. You know that thing?
Ryan: Yeah.
& Wilfred: It’s not gay. It’s funny. It’s edgy.
Ryan: Wilfred, you put your penis in my mouth while I was asleep. Then you took a picture of it and put it on a coffee mug. What if someone were to see this?
& Wilfred: Hey, what’s going on?
Ryan: My dad knows about us. He knows everything.
& Ryan: Now, hold on, Wilfred. It-it’s complicated.
Wilfred: Your face is the saddle Jenna’s been giddyupping on?
On the IMDb
Σ WTF? It was pretty clear this’s the end. And now all over again. Season 4 ahead, huh?
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