27 сент. 2013 г.

Mad Dogs 3×2

& Shani: It’s not fine, Tony. You can’t keep helping everyone, it’s not worth it. And what if you get caught?

& Christiane Leveque: Why you never go away? You never even leave Cape Town.
    Blake (aka Quinn): Don’t do plans.
    Christiane Leveque: Why you always give me crazy answers?

& Adam (aka Baxter): Stop growing up will you... Oh! Jesus Christ... Put some bloody clothes on.

& Lisa: I’ve always been like slightly, like, obsessed with the idea of being able to, just like, disappear. You know, start over in a new country, where no-one knows you. Never thought I’d have the nerve to do it though.
    Jamie (aka Rick): I think, sometimes we have to be brave, don’t we? We have to take a flying leap and just trust that things will work out. Cos, you know, we only go around once.

& Jamie (aka Rick): Look, I’ve only known you a few hours, Lisa, but anyone who does a runner from a restaurant, anyone who tells their best friends to sling their hook, and then snorts coke off a khazi, with a complete stranger... Well, I’m in love!

& Adam (aka Baxter): How dare you try and black mail me! Now get out!
    Anna: Money. Or I report you. Simple.
Ω Life has no mercy for those guys. Why?

& — Jamie. Why don’t you tell us all how you came to be here.
    Rick: I don’t think you’d believe me... It all started when I slept with this girl. Lottie. She was really cute. I met her in a club and... Well anyway, I ended up being renditioned by the British Government and sent to South Africa.

& Quinn: Looking good, Woods.
    Woody: Thanks. I suppose... living in exile under an assumed identity, trying not to get murdered by the CIA, does wonders for the old waistline.

& Quinn: Where to, Bax?
    Baxter: Um, home, I reckon.
Ω Ha! You wish.

On the IMDb

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