Wasting Time
Carlos: Nice to know even the government drops calls.
Keira: Just wait till the phone company is the government.
Carlos: That’s a scary thought.
& Carlos: Rock, paper, scissors?
Keira: Huh?
Alec: Follow what Carlos does. On three, make a fist.
Carlos: On three. One, two, three!.. Damn!
& Keira: What did we just do?
Alec: Sorry? Did I just teach you something you didn’t know?
Keira: Alec?
Alec: That was just me, savoring the moment.
& Carlos: I do have one last question: Maybe later you can tell me what actually happened here...
Keira: Maybe.
& Keira: So what now?
Kellog: We’re both adults. The house is empty... or not.
On the Imdb.
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