6 мар. 2022 г.


Boss 1×6

Elliot McGantry: The choice is his, sort of. I mean, does man really have free choice? Brothers Karamazov, "The Grand inquisitor." It changed my life.

Mayor Tom Kane: When you choose between the lesser of two evils, your choice is still evil.
Ryan Kavanaugh: A necessary evil. You do something bad to do something good.

Mayor Tom Kane: See, the thing is one necessary evil leads to another until one day you can't differentiate between what's necessary and what's merely expedient. And when that happens, you're done. You're a monster.

Ryan Kavanaugh: Nice guys don't turn dumps into city parks or force landlords to clean up slums. Not here.
Mayor Tom Kane: It's nice here. I should've visited before.
Ryan Kavanaugh: Yeah, try touring your city some time. See what the monster has built.

Meredith Kane: It's hard to imagine, isn't it? The city without him, him without it. But then, not impossible...

Ryan Kavanaugh: Some deals are worth doubling down on.

Kitty O'Neill: Bensenville class action suit. I spoke with them this morning. They have us over a barrel--
Mayor Tom Kane: Stop. Do you know who I am?
Kitty O'Neill: Yes, sir, I believe so.
Mayor Tom Kane: Spectators stand on the sidelines shaking their heads, lacking the balls. Do you know what I mean?
Kitty O'Neill: No, sir.
Mayor Tom Kane: When Truman nuked Japan, when Lincoln sent boys out to kill their cousins, you think they gave a shit about their approval rating?
Kitty O'Neill: No, sir.
Mayor Tom Kane: Fuck the spectators. If there's another city in this country that takes better care of its citizens, you tell me now which one you think it is... Anyone?... Good. If in the course of doing what I believe is best for this city, there is collateral damage, who here wants to explain to me the position of those on the sidelines shaking their heads?... Good. Now you were saying about this lawsuit?
Kitty O'Neill: Nothing, sir.
Mayor Tom Kane: Just get me a deal. I will settle this one.

Mayor Tom Kane: The art of political survival, one day at a time. You make it through one, then the next. String enough days together, people forget. They move on to newer matters.

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