17 мар. 2022 г.

Retfærdighedens ryttere (2020)

Otto: The probability of a key witness in a gang-related homicide case and his lawyer dying in an accident 13 days before he set is to testify is, according to my calculations... Let's see. One to 234,287,121. Too big of a number for it to be ignored.

Politimand 1: It is most unfortunate. But nothing indicates that it was anything other than an accident.
Otto: The numbers do. The numbers never lie.

Politimand 2: It doesn't make any sense.
Otto: Isn't your job to make sense of it? All I'm saying is it's too big of a number.

Markus: When people die, they're gone for good, sweetie. And you might as well learn that now. For unless you also die at a young age, you will end up burying most of the people you love. And if you keep tormenting yourself every single time with false hope about souls and little angels in the clouds, you'll go crazy. Okay?

Emmenthaler: We're all aware that we're on our way to meet a psycho gang member, right?... His brother is a gang member.
Lennart: He's an electrical engineer specializing in train components.
Emmenthaler: Narcotics, assault, aggravated assault, aggravated assault, theft, complicity in manslaughter, horse theft, possession of a narcotic, illegal possession of a firearm...
Lennart: So an electrical engineer specializing in trains, who moves in bad circles--
Emmenthaler: And stole a horse.

Markus: It was a mistake... I shouldn't have done it.

Otto: We haven't talked about murder!
Lennart: No, but you wanted to drain their accounts and sign them up to lots of memberships.
Otto: There's a pretty big leap from that to murder.
Lennart: My point is we've discussed revenge.

Otto: Lennart's brilliant. He's seen more than 25 different psychologists in 40 years. He's in personal contact with pretty much every diagnosis.

Emmenthaler: I just like assembling things.

Otto: Chess is the only game in the world where chance and luck aren't a factor. There are no dice, no jokers or hidden elements. Everything is right in front of us and it is purely your own actions that determine the result.

Otto: It'll never, ever make sense. It's a waste of time.
Mathilde: I know. I've gone over it all a million times to uncover some reason. But there isn't any.
Otto: Yes, that's just it. There's a centillion reasons. But they won't help you.

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