2 мар. 2022 г.

Quiz #1.3

Diana Ingram: Um, you were recommended to us by Philip Jones in Reading. But we... we never thought a high-profile barrister would touch our case with a barge pole, because... Well, given that...
Sonia Woodley QC: Oh, given that your trial's already begun in the papers.
Diana Ingram: Yeah.
Sonia Woodley QC: And the press.

Sonia Woodley QC: It's new state of play.
Charles Ingram: What's the new state of play?
Sonia Woodley QC: Justice as entertainment. How the police communicate with the press. How the press communicate with the police.

Charles Ingram: People are laughing at us. I really don't know what's worse, people thinking we're criminals or idiots.
Sonia Woodley QC: There are worse things to be accused of.

Diana Ingram: That stupid show! Are we going to go to jail?
Charles Ingram: No. I don't know. But I know that I love you. No... No asking the audience, or phoning a friend, I love you. I love you.

Sonia Woodley QC: Have you ever heard of this little thing called "confirmation bias"? When an assumption sinks into the brain, it rearranges and reorganises all facts to support the assumption. Like on the show relay. People, suspicious of a man from a strange family, talking together. Something's weird. On a loop. Now might that not have created a shared fiction, which then everyone in the studio subconsciously began to distort reality to match? ...
     We're all guilty of it. We do it every day of our lives. We adjust the world, and all the information, in order to navigate our way through.

Diana Ingram: If we're guilty, why aren't we going to jail?
Sonia Woodley QC: Well, maybe these days, justice just has to be "seen" to be done. More than it actually has to be. Don't question it. Go and live your lives.

Chris Tarrant: So, come on, then. What's the answer? After all that. Tell us. It's killing me.

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