8 апр. 2020 г.

Two Minutes

Homeland 8×6

President Hayes: In the words of Lyndon Baines Johnson, "All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today..."

President Hayes: I just pledged the hand of justice, Old Testament style, to the whole damn country. Now, somebody in there better come up with something for me to do and quickly.

Saul: People change, they evolve.
G'ulom: Do they?

G'ulom: Do you know the sound a woman makes when her hand is removed from her arm with a hacksaw?.. It can be heard even over the cheers of 5,000 Taliban.

G'ulom: You'll see yourselves out.

Mike Dunne: It was Carrie's idea for the President to come here. She pitched the visit.

G'ulom: To this enemy, appeasement is a sign of weakness, and it is met with aggression. They murdered the leader of the free world. It is the victory of a lifetime... Can you imagine the consequences if our answer is due process?... We must respond in a language they understand.

David Wellington: Scott, the war crime's not the half of it. We just lost control of the whole policy. Hayes reversed course based on the counsel of Abdul fucking G'ulom.

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