26 апр. 2020 г.

The Exception (2016)

Col. Sigurd von Ilsemann: A captain?
Capt. Stefan Brandt: All the majors are busy, sir.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: What's the point of killing an old man that's been out of power for 20 years?
Gestapo Inspector Dietrich: Personally, I couldn't care less. He is everything that was wrong with old Germany. Where was he while we were all starving?.. If anything happens to him, Captain, you'll be shot. And I will do it.

Kaiser Wilhelm II: If you had been in command of the German army, would you have invaded Holland?
Mieke de Jong: Why, yes, Your Highness. Of course.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: I see. And what precisely is your military objective?
Mieke de Jong: Well, it's very nice.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: What is?
Mieke de Jong: Holland.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: Goddamn, Sigurd. She's better than half the General Staff!

Kaiser Wilhelm II: You know, I don't mind telling you, if I was a hundred years younger... Oh, never mind.

Kaiser Wilhelm II: You know, Sigurd, I've been thinking. Tonight we'll have fish.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: Will there be anything else, Your Highness?
Kaiser Wilhelm II: No, thank you, Sigurd. There will be absolutely nothing.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: What else is there?
Mieke de Jong: I'm Jewish.
Capt. Stefan Brandt: ..... I'm not.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: You have someone, somewhere?
Mieke de Jong: If I did, you wouldn't be here. And you, Captain? No girl anywhere?
Capt. Stefan Brandt: If I did, I'd still be here.

Kaiser Wilhelm II: Now, I have many vices. Hypocrisy is not one of them.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: You used me!
Mieke de Jong: I used myself.

Capt. Stefan Brandt: Colonel. I've been wondering something... Can an officer have a loyalty to anything greater than his country?
Col. Sigurd von Ilsemann: First, he must answer the question... "What is my country... and does it even still exist?"

Kaiser Wilhelm II: You're the secret agent. Marvelous.

Kaiser Wilhelm II: You... you won't believe... I... I just received a message from Britain's Prime Minister. The boy, Churchill. ... He was offering me exile in England, and then, when the war ends, the throne of a defeated Germany. Imagine that! Two offers in one night. Not bad, huh? After 20 years.

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