19 апр. 2020 г.

The Tower

The Walking Dead 10×15

Juanita: Yeah, not many rotters left in the city, so I put these up as my decorations. Pain in the ass to put together, but they make the place feel more alive. Although now that I've met actual live people again... Hold on. You guys are real, right?
Yumiko: Is that supposed to be a joke?
Juanita: I dunno. I mean, I never hallucinated before, but there's a first time for everything.

Juanita: Da... Damn. I should be nicer. Talking to possibly real people again is making me freak out. You... I'm just... I'm just gonna shut up.

Juanita: I'm Juanita Sanchez. But I never liked the name Juanita. You can call me Princess.
Eugene: Why "Princess"?
Juanita: Because "Queen" makes me sound old. And pretentious.

Yumiko: No, thank you.
Juanita: Oh, come on. Why not?
Yumiko: Because we don't know you.
Juanita: Of course you do. Princess? I'm great. You'll see. Watch how helpful I can be...

Ezekiel: What could it hurt?
Yumiko: Plenty. Anyone alone for this long ends up selfish, crazy... in her case, definitely both.

Yumiko: Selfish. And crazy.

Judith: I wanna learn what you do, how to keep us safe. In case something happens.
Daryl: ... I walk the perimeter. I look for anything that looks wrong. If I find something, I go somewhere safe, and I radio it in. There's no room for mistakes, not right now.

Beta: We walk. We wait.

Eugene: Is there a particular method behind this navigational technique, or are you just meandering about?

Eugene: What do you particularly mean by the term "mines"?
Juanita: You know, those things you step on and then they go boom.

Lydia: Well, you can give someone else the rat stew.
Negan: It's not rat. It's possum. I mean, yeah, basically a big rat, but um...

Ezekiel: I have been afraid of many things. But this one's new.

Daryl: A hunter moves, everything else moves around it. Try to spot things that don't belong, things that just don't feel right.

Negan: Look, she was still your mom. You know? And we only get the one.

Judith: ...maybe you'd leave, too.
Daryl: I won't.
Judith: You promise?
Daryl: I can't.
Judith: Why?
Daryl: Because I can't lie to you. I don't know what's gonna happen. And there ain't no one that can tell you that they do.

Daryl: Nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone. But that doesn't mean that everything that follows is gonna break your heart.

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