1 апр. 2020 г.

Synonyms (2019)

Yoav: Is this death?

Yoav: Odious. Repugnant Fetid. Obscene. Vulgar. Lamentable. Sordid. Crude. Bestial. Ignorant. Mean-spirited. Mean-hearted... I moved to France to flee Israel. Flee a state that is nasty, obscene, ignorant, idiotic, sordid, fetid, crude, abominable, odious,lamentable, repugnant, detestable, mean-spirited, mean-hearted...
Emile: No country is all that at once.

Emile: My father, a business tycoon, told me: You want to write? No problem. But do you think you'll be Victor Hugo?.. One-half Victor Hugo? One-third Victor Hugo?

Caroline: It's ridiculous. Do you know anything about France? Or anyone in France except us two?
Yoav: Céline Dion.

Emile: He worries about you rejecting Hebrew. He says giving up your language kills part of yourself.
Yoav: Really? He told you about his father? Top student at bible school in Lithuania, but a rebel. He gave it all up to go to Palestine under the British, a land of swamps and of... epidemics. His idealistic, sensitive brother's suicide after emigrating, that didn't stop him. His family waved him off, and was exterminated in the Holocaust. In Israel, he spoke Hebrew, rejecting Yiddish, the language of his youth. He said he'd never speak the language, in which he was beaten.
Emile: You do the opposite!
Yoav: Really? I think my grandfather would do exactly the same as me.
Emile: Is he still alive?
Yoav: No.
Emile: Mine is, but nobody talks to him now.

Emile: Caroline and Yoav... I brought you together here today to announce your wedding. ... You can become French and stay in Paris your whole life.

Emile: My love, marrying is faster than fucking.

Emile: Generosity has its limits too, right?

Yoav: You're sending me back to a country whose fate is sealed! You have no idea how lucky you are to be French!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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