26 апр. 2020 г.

A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge

Young Sheldon 3×20

Mary: So, Sheldon, little bit of dental news...

Connie: This is not exactly the date night I'd envisioned when I was shaving my legs... We're elderly, you know? If anything, dinner should be early.

Dale: When I'm finished, I am gonna whisk you off to the finest... and the only... Chinese food place in town.
Connie: Ying's? Their nachos are weird.

Dr. Bowers: Okay. Just so you know... I'm gonna be using this...
Sheldon: Drugs, please.

Dr. Bowers: Okay, Sheldon, we're gonna put the mask on. Now you just breathe normally and count back from 100.
Sheldon: But counting back from 100 isn't complex enough to occupy my mind.
Dr. Bowers: You're up again.
Mary: Why don't you think of something more sciencey? Like counting pi. That's a thing, right? Pi?
Sheldon: I can't count pi, it's an irrational number. But I can embrace the spirit of your proposal and calculate the matrix coefficients necessary for a unified field theory.

Sheldon: Of the four fundamental forces, the most difficult to unify is gravity because...
Dr. Bowers: Oh, thank God.

Dr. Sturgis: Step right up. Step right up for your chance to meet Thoth! The Egyptian god of knowledge. He has all the answers.

Sheldon: Do you really possess all knowledge?
Thoth: You only get one question, kid. You want that to be it?
Sheldon: Oh. No. How can I unify the four fundamental forces of the universe?
Thoth: Now we're talking. In order to unify gravity, you must first understand that it is a distortion of space-time...
Sheldon: Gravity. Of course!

Connie: 26 for the twins' birthday, three for Georgie and Mary wouldn't like it if I used her birthday for gambling, so 13 for her.
Dale: All right. For my grandson's birthday, I'm gonna go black, 'cause I don't remember.

Sheldon: I had a dream... I solved a unified field theory.
Mary: Well, good for you.
Sheldon: But I can't remember it.
Mary: Hmm. Well, you were mumblin' something about gravity and forces.
Sheldon: You need to be more specific.
Mary: Shelly, you weren't makin' much sense.
Sheldon: Mother, a unified field theory is the holy grail of physics. Solving it would be the greatest breakthrough in the history of science.
Missy: And you forgot it. That's funny.

Adult Sheldon: After my other attempts to return to the trancelike state of anesthesia failed, I turned to something Nancy Reagan herself told me to "just say no" to. My mind-altering substance of choice was... chamomile tea. But not your grandma's chamomile tea. A highly concentrated super chamomile of my own making. All the relaxing power of 30 cups of chamomile tea packed into a teaspoon of calming sludge.
Sheldon: Sorry, Mrs. Reagan.

Sheldon: Okay, grand unified field theory, here I come...

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