13 апр. 2020 г.

F**ker Shot Me

Homeland 8×7

Haqqani: So I get my wish... To travel the streets of Kabul one more time without hiding.

G'ulom: What has changed? Not the Taliban. Not America. Still not understanding anything about us even after all these years.

Yevgeny Gromov: You want to use my contacts, right? Where do you think they come from, huh? It's places like this. Every time America comes in and bombs a bunch of civilians, it's an opportunity for us. We come in, we rebuild the mosque, we help people get their lives back together. We make friends. That's how it works.

Saul: When those helicopters went down, two things changed in my country. An inexperienced president came to power. The American people were wounded, demanding action. We know what happens next. We've been here before... How does a weak president show he's strong? He goes to war.

President Hayes: We've been giving them war for 18 years.
President G'ulom: Bullshit. You didn't fight for 18 years. You fought for eight weeks. You invaded Afghanistan with 12 men and airpower, bombed the Taliban to shit, and in days they were lining up to surrender. They were making deals, shaving their beards. You'd won. Then you gave up and left for Iraq...

Haqqani: Forty years of war, no one is innocent.

On the IMDb

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