17 апр. 2020 г.

Look at the Flowers

The Walking Dead 10×14

Carol: So what do you want?
Negan: A T-bone, beer, maybe a scoop of rocky road.

Negan: What happens if I muff it, too? Could make things a helluva lot worse for every man, woman, and child behind these walls. And despite what people may think of me, I am absolutely not down with that.

Carol: So you bring me Alpha's head, and that's what the people will remember you for. I'll make sure of it.

Carol: I told you to do it fast...

Carol: You're free now, Negan. Do whatever the hell you want. Wait, don't wait, it's up to you. I need to be alone. Shit like that takes time.

Jerry: Can't stop a man willing to be foolish, right?
Ezekiel: Or a fool willing to believe in future friends.

Alpha: Being out on your own... you've tried it before. They always pull you back. Always wanting more... Love. Motherhood. Death. But they don't know what you truly want. Admit it. What do you want?.. What do you want?.. Say it. Say it. Say it.
Carol: I want to be alone!
Alpha: Yeah. That's not it.

Yumiko: Eugene, please tell me we aren't really on a journey to find chocolate bunnies.
Eugene: Well, of course not. We're on a journey for the future hope of mankind. But candy would be nice.

Negan: What is with you guys thinking I didn't do it fast enough? You didn't kill her. I did. It took a minute...

Negan: Daryl, kneel to the Alpha.

Negan: Daryl, you were right when you said that I liked it. The fact is... I like it a lot.

Yumiko: You want to turn back? Because of what might happen? ... You don't know what lies ahead for us. No one does. I had all these plans for my life, and I clung to them so hard. And f-f-for what? No one cares what I have in mind for the future. I'm here to find out what's possible... what none of us could predict or imagine.

Alpha: You always knew how this would end. No one's coming to save you.

Carol: It's never too late.

Negan: She took it too far. You don't kill people that don't deserve it. And you never kill kids.
Daryl: Is that supposed to make me like you?
Negan: No.
Daryl: Good.
Negan: But what about my winning personality?

Yumiko: What are the chances of a city like this being empty?
Eugene: More improbable than a baby born with a full set of teeth.
Ezekiel: Hellllooo?

— Oh, my God, hi!

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