24 апр. 2020 г.

Designated Driver

Homeland 8×10

Carrie: Why didn't they call in, tell everyone what was happening?
Worley: It's aviate, navigate, communicate. They never got past step one.

Saul: Right now you're somewhere between a rogue agent and a national security threat. ... It's time to turn yourself in.

Carrie: All right, then you know what, you do something. Go to the Russians. Ask what they want to give it back.
Saul: Okay.
Carrie: Okay, what?
Saul: I'll talk to the Russians.

Carrie: I've dug this gigantic hole, and I-I can't-- I can't quite see a way out.

Saul: You have to ask Moscow.
Viktor: I did. At the very highest levels. You are, what do they say, uh, barking up the wrong tree.
Saul: Victor, I apologize. I need you to help me read between the lines here.

Saul: So either Yevgeny still has it--
Viktor: He doesn't.
Saul: Then your government does.
Viktor: Not true.
Saul: Either way, there must be a price. There must be.

Saul: This cannot be your answer. What did they say?
Viktor: Saul, I've done what I can.
Saul: In Moscow, what were their exact words?
Viktor: .... We have what we want.

Yevgeny: The identity of that agent is the only thing worth more to my country than watching the United States self-destruct on the Pakistan border.

Carrie: Please, I can do anything else. I can't betray Saul.
Yevgeny: From what I've seen, you can do just about anything.

Carrie: I found it, Saul. The truth.
Saul: I know. But the truth isn't much good if no one will listen.

Jenna: What is she doing?
Mike: Getting arrested.

Saul: I spoke to Ambassador Makarov.
David: Yeah, and what did he say?
Saul: Officially, they don't have it. Unofficially, they're not giving it back.

Saul: Whatever shit she's in is because of me. I am not turning my back on her.

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