5 апр. 2020 г.


Better Call Saul 5×4

Kim: Uh... yesterday was bad. Today I'm gonna fix it.
Jimmy: Sounds like a plan.

Jimmy: That's minimum security. It's gonna be like taking a cruise... only less danger of drowning.

Jimmy: You twerps even know who I am? I am Saul Goodman! Okay? You think 4K is too much? Yesterday I got paid 8K just for the afternoon. That's how good I am. I am the real deal. You're lucky I'm even talkin' to ya!

Howard: So. "Saul Goodman". Am I allowed to call you "Jimmy"?
Jimmy: Uh, Saul Goodman is my professional name, but my friends still call me Jimmy. You can, too.

Howard: Well, tell me about "Saul Goodman"... What's he about?
Jimmy: Uh... hmm. Well... Saul Goodman is, uh... he's the last line of defense for the little guy. You getting sold down the river? He's a life raft. You getting stepped on, he's a sharp stick. You got Goliath on your back, Saul's the guy with the slingshot. He's a righter of wrongs. He's friend to the friendless. That's Saul Goodman.

Howard: It's simple for me. You're smart. You're scrappy. You're a go-getter. You don't wait for things to happen. You make 'em happen... I could use you.

Jimmy: You saw the fireworks. It was a bit unorthodox. But, uh, check this out. Two sweetest words in the English language... "miss", "trial".

Hank: "Culvert". That's a weird word... What do you think that is, like Dutch?

Hank: "Culvert"... "Cullll-vert". Sounds like a Dutch word for crotch rot.

Gus: Thank you, Lyle. You can go home.
Lyle: Um, but is it, like... You think it's okay? It's clean?
Gus: It is acceptable.

Jimmy: Look, picture me as the man and Mesa Verde as the horse. I'm the guy who'll do whatever it takes to stick it to them.

Kim: How the hell did you convince him?
Jimmy: Uh... uh, visual aids. You'd be surprised what you can find on that Internet...

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